Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

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Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

Hi All,


I am in the process of building a UK 4096x4096 scenario, made using Ordnance Survey Open data, as well as a variety of other sources. Please post suggestions of additions, changes or GRFs you would wish to see in later versions.


Real placement of the industry:
  • Coal
  • Iron
  • Steel
  • Power Stations
  • Oil Rig/Wells/Refineries
Cities/Towns over 2,500 population

Label Landmarks, part done

location of woodland

placement of lighthouses/radio masts
adjust coastline particularly around rivers

addition of a GRF version with:




Find following v0.4
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by romazoon »

pretty good work you have done there ;)

of course i can t resist to say it would have been even more great if Ireland was there !

as additionnal newgrfs i would suggests:
-station set : alexandra palace+british station set ; ISR (industrial stations);
-AV9 or WAS airplane (without the range limit given the map size)
-Polroad/Hungarian trucks/Ikarus bus (to have a large range of "real" road vehicles to choose from)...and maybe bob's british roadvehicles set (to have some british like vehicles)
-ogfX airport (gives rotation and more graphics for airports)
-VAST newobjects (if you like eyecandy parks)
-FIRS or ECS industry, given the size of the map you might enjoy having more diversity of cargoes to transport.
-some house set might be enjoyable also, i personnaly like to mix sets like swedish with polish buildings....but if you look for something british : Uk town set or Tai Uk house ->"Town & Industry : uk house"
-on top of any house set you choose i would suggest : ECS houses ( it will provide some pretty cool buildings, wich don t pop up too much in large cities (like a court, a post office, some hotels, gas stations, etc)
- since it s UK, ou need also a Ship set : Squid (or is it still Fish?), and for the very early start there is one sailing ship set.
-i could suggest much more...and i will if you need/want/ask for more ,i coud suggest more eyecandy newobjects especially.
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

romazoon wrote:pretty good work you have done there ;)

of course i can t resist to say it would have been even more great if Ireland was there !

as additionnal newgrfs i would suggests:
-station set : alexandra palace+british station set ; ISR (industrial stations);
-AV9 or WAS airplane (without the range limit given the map size)
-Polroad/Hungarian trucks/Ikarus bus (to have a large range of "real" road vehicles to choose from)...and maybe bob's british roadvehicles set (to have some british like vehicles)
-ogfX airport (gives rotation and more graphics for airports)
-VAST newobjects (if you like eyecandy parks)
-FIRS or ECS industry, given the size of the map you might enjoy having more diversity of cargoes to transport.
-some house set might be enjoyable also, i personnaly like to mix sets like swedish with polish buildings....but if you look for something british : Uk town set or Tai Uk house ->"Town & Industry : uk house"
-on top of any house set you choose i would suggest : ECS houses ( it will provide some pretty cool buildings, wich don t pop up too much in large cities (like a court, a post office, some hotels, gas stations, etc)
- since it s UK, ou need also a Ship set : Squid (or is it still Fish?), and for the very early start there is one sailing ship set.
-i could suggest much more...and i will if you need/want/ask for more ,i coud suggest more eyecandy newobjects especially.
Sadly OS don't include NI in the sources I used, and RoI would require hunting down a different data set. Likewise for France and Norway which would be on the edges of the map. Perhaps another goal to add... though prioritising getting the rest of the stuff done for mainland GB.

I am familiar with AV8 (how does AV9 and WAS compare?), ogfX sets, FISH, and sailing ships which would make good additions.

For RVs I have only tried Generic Trams, eGRVs (good for horses), British Buses and HEQS. can certainly make a version with polish and Hungarian vehs but I haven't see many here in the UK?

VAST along with a bunch of new stations would be good.

PB Viaduct and TBRS for bridges?

Not really used much in the way of house sets, other than tried TTRS which would be good for early starts

FIRS and ESC (Am I right reading it is only valid 1920 onwards?) would require a lot more work identifying and plotting locations of industries, so not planning on doing this immediately.

Eyecandy is good although not familiar with most sets other than for the docks?, although given the scale it might be hard to fit in stuff, also the lack of noGS support mean it would be manual. Prehaps worth hosting a multiplayer game to let people help design the eyecandy for areas they are familiar with?

I am also thinking about start dates to have, common ones seem to be 1820, 1920, 1950, 1970. Given current placement data is 2015 might do that too... could also design a GS to correctly build and remove industries by date if I had a larger data source
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by romazoon »

jimbob wrote:Sadly OS don't include NI in the sources I used, and RoI would require hunting down a different data set. Likewise for France and Norway which would be on the edges of the map. Perhaps another goal to add... though prioritising getting the rest of the stuff done for mainland GB.
thanks for the explanation ;)


- about Av9, i believe it s not much different from AV8, i think it gives just a few more parameters, but i m also not so familiar with it...

-WAS, is pretty much giving you a very large choice of "real liveries" for the most common commercial planes existing, especially in modern era ( i believe te graphics are based on Pikka's work(AV8 & 9)

-for the Rvs, i understand the name polroad or hungarian truck might make you think they are specific from those country, and in a way it s true for the early era of road vehicles, but in modern era, they propose Volvo, Renault, DAF....trucks, so those i believe are quite common all around europe (and not specific to poland or hungary)

-i think just TBRS is enough (it includes one kind of PB viaduct)

- TTRS seems to be widely appreciated so it ofc a pretty valid choice, but now given the scale of your scenario, i would not advice you to use this set because it tends to build skycrapper in town of relatively low population, and make the large cities clogged with skycrappers (imho)
--> Tai would be quite nice for the scale you use i think (only if you "differenciated" the "cities" from the "towns", because Tai might severely limit the size of the towns (cities are treated differently)
--> also i understand swedish/polish buildings don t sound at all british like, but i think those sets are really good because they arent filling towns with skycrappers, and again european architecture isn t that far away (beside a few specificity ofc), and this is especially true in modern era.

-And relativ to eyecandy, i was only meaning you should load in the newgrf list, a few newobjects set so players can build eyecandy structure when they want, not that you would place them in the scenario, that would be way too much work and by not prebuilding them it will leave more freedom to players on where to build (without caring of eyecandy that would be pre-existing)

-Also for ECS/FIRS, i understand it require more work, but i have a feeling replacing oil fields, coal mine, iron mine, steel mill, powerplant, farm, forest and sawmill would be quite straight forward (they exists in those both sets)....what would be left are the different kind of "factories", and a few additional primary cargo (sand, rocks,etc) maybe those additionnal "industries" could be just placed randomly, while the other you know where they are could probably be easily replaced by their "FIRS or ECS" equivalent.
--> Though i m not asking you to do it ! i only have made suggestion about what industry set you may use ;)

Good luck with the scenario ;)
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

Thanks for the descriptions for the GRFs, will have a look into seeing which sets can be combined, look good.

For the vanilla industry I am now looking at writing a script to randomly place x amount of an industry within a tilelist. I have area data for coal fields and farms, but not individual sites.

Have not yet worked out how to cope with factory like industries which will be clustered around industrial urban areas, do I specify areas, town names or something else?

Will have a 3 tier system
->place individual sites
->generate sites within defined regions
->generate randomly

will then be a case of renumbering type IDs for ESC and FIRS versions.

industry sets will free me from having to use Temperate to get the Iron-Steel industry chain, temped to use sub-artic with the alpine setting on OGFX so the Welsh and Scottish mountains will be snowy for parts of the year.

The finished GameScript will be uploaded with instructions to help others produce scenarios.
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by piratescooby »

Great work so far , Would love to run actual historical train routes , a link for what i mean : . As im from Aberdeen I would like to run the main line North and south including the branch lines ,Aberdeen would need a bit more level ground .Industrys would be happy with firs or a fork of firs .GRFS my preference would be UK for transport ,Hovs Uk bus set,UK Gated crossing,UK one way roads, UKrs2,UKrs2+,UKRenewal trainset,UK roadset,UKtown set ,town and industry -uk houses,I love the pipe grf,WAS,Sailing ships,squid, 2cc train and tram ,Bros just to mention a few .
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

piratescooby wrote:Great work so far , Would love to run actual historical train routes , a link for what i mean : . As im from Aberdeen I would like to run the main line North and south including the branch lines ,Aberdeen would need a bit more level ground .Industrys would be happy with firs or a fork of firs .GRFS my preference would be UK for transport ,Hovs Uk bus set,UK Gated crossing,UK one way roads, UKrs2,UKrs2+,UKRenewal trainset,UK roadset,UKtown set ,town and industry -uk houses,I love the pipe grf,WAS,Sailing ships,squid, 2cc train and tram ,Bros just to mention a few .
Thank you, my next version will be a big revision of towns, fixing duplicate town names or missing towns. I've just noticed town Blackburn is incorrectly placed over the village with the same name, are they any other oddities in your area?

Could do, just took a look at the map and Aberdeen isn't too hilly, a bit of terraforming and routing around the mountains will be quite possible, even the Aviemore line will work as you can route through the valley. Be a shame to flatten some of the best terrain on the map.

I myself will be planning on recreating the GWR (you got any other good rail maps? the OS one I have is okay, but just present day track with no electrification or track number details), would be awesome to play a big multiplayer game with people taking on the different companies :D
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by piratescooby »

A great web site ,click on route and taken to a link eg wiki ,can find great info of a lot of info on use of line , cargo ,pax,or gauge : : A great site for train buffs ; ... ewpg=Go%21 : A good map of the uk would be great for multi player ,each player running a route from there area connecting to the main line , or a single player connecting up all the routes of past. UK rail before the 60s had some fantastic lines ,pity they got cut .
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by piratescooby »

Just saw this on facebook some great photos and updates :
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

Have gone through and fixed a majority of wrongly located towns.

Have added a script that randomly placed industry within a set of rectangles, have applied it for coal mines so they are correctly located for UK coal fields,

remaining industries are generated randomly. TODO: build factory type industries randomly near towns.

Have applied a bunch of UK new GRFs, including conversion to alpine to get snow on the hills, now looking very wintery :D

new version uploaded on OP as 0.3Alpine
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

Quick update, have added trees to v0.4, all 10,000 woodlands marked on the openOS mapping.
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

Updated non-alpine version. Added all UK Motorways as single roads. Merry Christmas everyone :D
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

whoops that file failed to upload, looks likes there is a limit to the attachments. V0.6 with motorways has now been added
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by Leanden »

Looking forward to trying this out :)
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by Leanden »

How realistic are the industry placements because i didnt realise there were coal mines in Kent at any point in modern history.
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by jimbob »

Leanden wrote:How realistic are the industry placements because i didnt realise there were coal mines in Kent at any point in modern history.
The placement script has a set of rectangles which encompass the areas of coalfields, mines are placed randomly within them. Wikipedia suggests that the kent coalfield was mined up till 1915. Similar process for most of the primary industries such as farms, just to get it roughly accurate based on regions rather than each and every location which is hard to find coordinate data on.

Sorry for the delay, I came back as I'm thinking of doing another update over Christmas as after another year of working with GIS I think I've now got a way of handling the difficulties in rail placement/path-finding
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by piratescooby »

Leanden wrote:How realistic are the industry placements because i didnt realise there were coal mines in Kent at any point in modern history.
A interesting read ,
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by Germanyball6127 »

Does it have a high speed train (like the APT or Intercity)? I built a high speed track and wouldn't want it to go to waste
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Re: Yet Another UK Scenario 4096x4096

Post by Argus »

It's nice that there is realistically located industry, but it loses a bit of meaning when there are only labels instead of rivers...
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