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Who can help me with the Soldier Summit:

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 01:53
If possible, someone removes the post from The Serpent, for some reason I can not remove it:

I need those archves by play the save "Soldier Summit test 1":

--- Sounds ---
SNDGTEL : --- Not installed!!! ---

--- Airports ---
AIRYARDL : --- Not installed!!! ---
AIRYARDR : --- Not installed!!! ---
AIRYARDT : --- Not installed!!! ---

--- Docks ---
UCBARTOW : --- Not installed!!! ---

--- Vehicles ---
CARVWB02 : --- Not installed!!! ---
CARYARD2 : --- Not installed!!! ---
GB50BN01 : --- Not installed!!! ---
GB50RBOX : --- Not installed!!! ---
GB50SF01 : --- Not installed!!! ---
SPAM : --- Not installed!!! ---
UPSD90H : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTKAT1 : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTKCBO1 : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTRLAPL : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTRLAT1 : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTRLKLN : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTRLOOC : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTRLTIP : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTRLWT : --- Not installed!!! ---
USTTX49U : --- Not installed!!! ---
US-TTXU1 : --- Not installed!!! ---
US-TTXU2 : --- Not installed!!! ---
UTLXOTC1 : --- Not installed!!! ---

--- Buildings ---
BLDGRAIN : --- Not installed!!! ---
BLDYARDS : --- Not installed!!! ---

Re: Who can help me with the Soldier Summit:

Posted: 29 Jan 2017 15:31
by Lighthouse
Spam can be found on forum here trough search, maybe some others to.
Some are in Plastikmans "garbage can", also on forum.
Others are beta files... see: viewtopic.php?f=39&t=53850