
Discuss, get help with, or post new graphics for TTDPatch and OpenTTD, using the NewGRF system, here. Graphics for plain TTD also acceptable here.

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Post by GarryG »

AuzObjects (From the Land Down Under)

Update on: 29th July 2024

Are you new to OpenTTD? Here a link to a Manual that could help you.

Would you like to try doing your own drawings but don't have a good graphics program :?:
Here is a link to a graphics program called GIMP.

There are several types of coding programs available. (I use NML for object projects).
This it the text editor I use called "EditPad Lite"

ALL my projects are NOW on Bananas (Unless stated).

(Much appreciation to Kamnet for uploading

Added a new Object set called

Updated 7th Oc 2024
Find on page 176.
It includes:
:Marshalling Yards. (with freight wagons)
:Survey Markers (Use these to plan future roads and railway lines.
:Locomotive Roundhouse
:Roundhouse Yards
Round House 2.png
Round House 2.png (53.49 KiB) Viewed 18680 times
Round House 3.png
Round House 3.png (62.32 KiB) Viewed 18680 times
This is not on bananas yet as will be adding more to this set.


Added Town name boards to
.. page 170

AuzObjectsAddOnsV17 .. page 172
(Updated 16th July 2024)
Add Suspension pedestrian bridge ends
Added Music Bowl stages and crowds.
Also added Observatory and Radio Telescopes.

This version has NOT been uploaded to Bananas as work still in progress.

Added 2 vehicle sets.
AuzHonestWallyCarsV8 .. page 164
(Not uploaded to Bananas yet)
AuzHonestWallyCarsV9 .. page 164
(Not uploaded to Bananas yet)
Those sets are eye candy cars, motorcycles and bicycles.
You have the choice if they be free or you pay for them.


AuzVansAndMiniBusSetV6 (It replaces AuzBusAndTruckTownSet) .. page 166
(Not uploaded to Bananas yet)
These are mini buses and vans that would normally be used within town limits.
You can purchase random color vehicles and Company Color vehicles.

They have not been uploaded to Bananas yet .. I will wait a few weeks to make sure I not made any errors with any.

AuzSportOvjectsV25 on page 166
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)
Added Harness Racing
Added Greyhound Racing

Added Velodromes

Added Swimming Pools.


Updated AuzFarmObjectsV40 page 161
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)

Updated the AuzReefsAndAtollsV4 .. Page 162
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)

AuzReefsAndAtollsObjectsPt2V12 .. Page 162
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)


AuzBeachObjectsV15 .. Page 143
Beaches, Rocks, Pavilions, Promenades, Retaining Walls.
Project of: GarryG and Quast65 and help from fridaemon

: Has a beach road. (Go to parameters to disable if not want to use).
: Beach Rocky
: Beach Sandy
: Beach Seawalls
: Beach Sand Hills


. .. page 143
Boats and Marine Objects.
Project of: GarryG with help from many others.

: Sailing Ships (not in sail)
: Fishing Boats
: Small Boats
: Utility Vessels
: Large Freighters
: Small Freighters
: Ferry
: Ship Wrecks
: Navigators Markers
: Wharf Accessories
: Pleasure Craft (houseboats and 6 crew rowing .. added 3/4/2023)


AuzCarParksObjectsV12 .. Page 152
Car Parks of various types.
Project of: GarryG. Coding supplied by Pyoro with Graphics by Pyoro, fridaemon and John Fister

: CarParks Animated
: CarPark non-animated
: CarPark Roads
: Street Trees
: Buses & Loading Zones
: CarPark Overhead
: Sydney Car Parks
: Newcastle Car Parks
: Off Road Parking
: 90 degree parking
: Parallel Parking
: Angel Parking
: Corner Parking
: Narrow Road Park
: Private Parking

AuzCreekAndDrainObjectV22s -- page 155
Creeks, rivers, Canals, Drains, WaterFalls, Dams.
Project of: GarryG with help from Romazoon, McZapkie and many others.

: Start Creeks
: Creeks
: Creek Joiners
: Narrow Creeks
: WaterFalls
: Drains
: Rivers
: Dams
: Canals
: Pipes
: People Fishing


AuzFarmObjectsV40 -- Page 161
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)
Objects for Farms.

: Farm Buildings
: Water Supply
: Farm Houses
: Crops
: Trees and Vines
: Farm Machinery
: Animals
: Crop Related
: Livestock Pens (Added 2 sets of Sale Yards)
: Farm Bridges
: Grain Storage
: Wagons
: Flower Gardens
: Fence + Track
: OTIS Overlap
: Cattle
: Horses
: Sheep
: Pigs


AuzFencesObjectsV16 -- Page 143
Fences for Town, Farms and Industry.

: Fences
: Fences Gates + Road
: Fence with Overlap Gates
: More Fences
: Fence with Roads
: Fences Overlaps .. (Overlap water)
: Hedges
: Railway Fences
: Security Fences


AuzFenceObjectsAddOnsV10 .. see page 164
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)
More fences.

: Security & Tall Fences
: Security Gates
: Brick & Metal Tall
: Brick & Metal Low
: Hedge Fences
: Fences
: Horse Paddocks (new) (added curved fences)


AuzIndObjectsV17 -- Page 143
Industrial Objects. (Some industry pieces are from FIRS Industry).

: Mining Oil Quarries
: Grain Storage (added more)
: Buildings (added more)
: Container Terminals1
: Container Terminals2
: Container Terminals3
: Container Terminals4
: Office Buildings
: ISR Industries
: Utilities (Water, Gas and Oil Pipe lines)
: Water Industries
: Odd Bits
: AirPorts
: Factories (New)


Auz Industry Objects Add Ons V24 .. see page 179
Secondary Industries Add-Ons.
Update: 4th Nov 2024

: Secondary Industries
: More Industries
: Cargo Bays
: Liquids and Grain
: Cargo Bays + Trucks (added)
: Boundary Fences (added)
: Small Office (added)


AuzLandscapeObjects .. Page 153
ogfx terrain, Terrain and Overlays, Landscape, Trees, Clouds and Smoke.
Project of: GarryG with help from Romazoon, McZapkie, Fridaemon, Temporal8 and others.

: Natural Landscape
: Rocky Landscape
: Coastal Landscape
: Trees
: Forest Tracks
: Cliffs
: Clouds and Smoke
: Terrain and Overlays
: ogfx terrain


AuzMilitaryObjects .. Page 143
Objects for Military Bases, Hospitals, Schools and more.

: Airforce Parade
: Army Parade
: Navy Parade
: Parade Ground
: Vehicles + Artillery
: Cadets
: Barracks + Hangers
: Aircraft
: Security + Fences


AuzObjectsAddOnsV16 -- Page 172
Bus and Truck Terminals, Warehouses, Buses and Trucks vehicles
Project of: GarryG with help from Fridaemon, Andrew350, Quast65 and luxtram.

- Bus Terminals
- Bus Stations/Stops
- Office buildings
- Truck Terminals/Warehouses
- Bus + Truck objects
- Outside Entertainment (Update 7th June 2024)
- Communications (Added 23rd June 2024)
- Pedestrian + Bicycle Paths


AuzAutoplaceObjectsV4 .. Page 166
Project of: GarryG and Aegir.
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)
Randomly Auto places at start of game the following items:

building ruins
old houses
fishing (in boats)
Canoes (on water)
Crocodiles (In water)
Bee Hives
Camping (people with tents and fire)
Horses (people riding)
Dams and Troughs (for livestock)
fallen trees
Australian Gum Trees
Willow Trees
Rangers Towers
Australian Animals
ogfx-landscape Trees
Australian Pine Trees
Australian Mapple Trees
Australian Bottle Trees
Flame Trees
ghost gum
Flowering Gum Trees
Bottle Brush
Wattle Tree

You can not select objects manually and place them.
You can go to "Set parameters" and select which ones you want and don't want to include on your map.


AuzPowerAndTelephoneObjects -- Page 143
Electricity, Wind Turbines, Solar Power and Telephones.

: Transmission Lines Steel
: Transmission Lines Wood
: Power to Buildings
: Power Lines 1
: Power Lines 2
: Power Lines 3
: Power & Sub-Stations
: Telegraph Poles Large
: Old Poles and wires
: Communication Towers
: Other Power Objects (Solar and Wind Turbines


AuzRailObjects -- Page 143
Buildings for Railways.

- Railway objects (such as Coal Stage, Turntables, Water Towers, Fettler sheds, Carriages work shops)
- Railway signs
- Railway signals (fake signals just for show).
- Communication Towers
- Railway Depots
- Culverts and bridges


AuzFakeRailsAndTrainsObjects .. page 143.
Fake railway lines that can be used for sidings and shunting yards.

Has fake railway lines with freight wagons and coaches.
:Main Lines
:Marshalling Yards SW-NE
:Marshalling Yards NW-SE
:Survey Markers
:Freight Main Lines
:Freight SW-NE
:Freight NW-SE
:Coaches & DMU SW-NE
:Coaches & DMU NW-SE
:Shunting Locomotives
:Signalling Equipment


AuzRoadObjectsV17 -- Page 170
Road Signs, Road Side Objects (Rest Areas, Heavy Vehicle Inspection Stations), Fake Lanes (includes roundabouts), Fake Roads and culverts.
Credit: GarryG with many thanks to ideas from Dutch Furniture

: Dirt Tracks
: Dirt Roads
: Gravel Road
: Sealed Roads
: Road Signs
: Finger Boards (added Town Name Boards)
: Fake Roads Lanes (added 2/10/23 some roundabouts)
: Large Road Signs
: Bridges and Culverts
: Road Side Objects
: UK Road Side Objects
: US Road Side Objects


AuzReefsAndAtollsObjectsV4[/size] Page 162.
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)
Reefs, Atolls and Lagoons.
Project of: GarryG with much appreciated help from Quast65.

: Reefs A
: Reefs B
: Reefs C
: Reefs D
: Lagoons A
: Lagoons B
: Lagoons C
: Lagoons D
: Rocks


AuzReefsAndAtollsObjectsPt2 .. Page 162
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)
Beaches, Flat Islands, Ship Wrecks and surf.
Project of: GarryG with much appreciated help from Quast65.

: Lagoon A Beach
: Lagoon B Beach
: Lagoon C Beach
: Lagoon D Beach
: Ship Wrecks
: Flat Islands (Fixed some graphics)
: Trees (Fixed some graphics)
: Animated Surf (Fixed some graphics)


AuzSportObjectsV25 -- Page 178
Sporting Objects includes Car Racing and Horse Equestrian
Updated: 13th Oct 2024
(Latest version NOT uploaded to Bananas yet)
Project of: GarryG with help from Quast65 and Kamnet

: Car Racing
: Wide Race Tracks
: Drag Racing
: Nascar Tracks
: Pit Area
: Horse racing (now also has harness racing and Greyhound Racing)
: Athletics (Added athletes 29th June 2023)
: Sport Fields (now has a velodrome)
: Golf Courses
: Spectators (added more stadiums
: Spectator Overlaps
: Sport Stadiums
: Equestrian (added 23rd June 2023)
: Swimming Pools


AuzSubwayOverlayObjects - .. page 144.
Subway Overlaps of various types. (Designed to hide underground railway lines).
Project of: GarryG. with graphics by Quast65, Pyoro, fridaemon and John Fister

: Airport 1 Overlap
: Car Parks 1 overlaps
: Car Parks 2 overlaps
: Car Parks 3 overlaps
: Buildings 1 Overlap
: Buildings 2 Overlap
: Buildings 3 Overlap
: Dutch Roads 1 overlap
: Dutch Roads 2 overlap
: Dutch Roads 3 overlap
: Parks 1 overlap
: Parks 2 overlaps
: Parks 3 overlaps
: Park Single Tile


AuzTownObjectsV24 -- Page 144
Houses, Shops, Parks, Pathways, Gardens, Camping, Amusement Parks.
Project of: GarryG, Romazoon, RL Conroy and fridaemon

: Houses
: Back Yards
: Commercials
: Utitlity Buildings
: Parks + Play Grounds
: Camping
: Gardens
: Wide Stairs
: Churches & Cemetery
: Pedestrian + Bicycle Paths


AuzTownObjectsAddOnsV29 -- Page 172
Accommodations, Flags, Police, Ambulance, Service Stations, Country Airports, Malls and more.
Added Santa Claus with Reindeer and a Haunted House.
Project of: GarryG with help from Quast65 and fridaemon.

: Service Stations
: Servo Extras Overlaps
: Servo Depot Overlay
: Servo Company Buildings
: Servo Extras Single Tiles
: Car Parks for Mall
: Shops for Mall
: Shopping Malls
: Sydney Shop + Cars
: Utility Buildings (Added more water towers)
: Fun Fair
: Country Airport
: Commercials (New)
: Drive-In Theaters (New)
: Accommodation/Schools/City Halls
: Flags
: Parks + Play Grounds (new) (Santa Claus Added)
: Gardens
: Slope Foundations (new)
: Accidents/Emergency (new)
: Ruins and Constructions (new)
: Pedestrian + Bicycle Paths (new)
: Churches & Cemetery (Added Haunted House)


AuzObjects Pre1900V23
Has objects that available Pre early 1900s and additions for AuzTownObjects.
Updated 10th November 2024 .. Page 179
: Buildings Pre 1900
: Livery Stables
: Wagons
: Old Wharves
: Courtyard Buildings
: Courtyard Buildings
: Courtyards
: Buildings on Slopes
: House on Coast
: Parks + Play Grounds
: Pedestrian + Bicycle Paths
: Accidents/Emergency
: Houses
: Back Yards
: Commercials
: Churches & Cemetery
: Town Buildings
: Utitlity Buildings


TownWallAddOns -- Page 144
(This is a add-on set to Town Walls Objects made by Quast65 )
(makes old style medieval towns and castles)
Project of: GarryG, Quast65 and Meslinjf

: Stone Fences
: Town Walls + Stone Fences
: Town Walls Gates
: Town Wall Towers
: Town Wall Towers + Paving
: Medieval Buildings
: More Medieval Buildings
: Town Wall Medieval Buildings
: Cobble Stones
: Town Walls on Water
: Town Walls for Harbors
: Town Walls on Coast


AuzWaterObjects -- Page 144
Wharves, Jetty, Lakes, boats, Harbours and more.
Project of: GarryG with help from Romazoon, McZapkie and many others.

- Coastal tiles
- Water Tiles
- Swamps
- Water objects (Oyster leases, fishfarm, logs and reef)
- Wharves and Jetty
- boats of various sizes and old sailing ships
- Trees on water
- Seawalls (Suitable for Industries as includes cranes)
_ People Fishing coast and rivers.


AuzWaterAddOns -- Page 144
Seawalls, Jettys, Wharves, Water Objects. Also houses on Water, Seaplanes, Breakwater.
Project of: GarryG and help from Quast65.

- Seawalls
- Houses on water
- Wharves and Jetty
- Seaplanes
- Water objects (Crocodile, dolphins, fishermen)
- Breakwater
- Navigators
- Passenger Terminals

Last edited by GarryG on 10 Nov 2024 07:24, edited 203 times in total.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
Videos and Images of Trains: viewtopic.php?t=90763
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »


Credits .. where do I start as so many people have helped me with all my projects.

I started out back in May 2015 using sprites from many sources to practice with.

You will find some of their work in my projects unaltered and almost every other item in my projects are highly based on what you will find in their work.

So to start with like to give credit and thanks to the makers of the following NewGRFs.


These People who have helped me in one form or another:

Eddy Arfik
Emporer Jack
Dave, GameR and Bad Hair Day
Michael Blanchard

Sorry if I left any one out, if your name should be listed and it is not, please let me know so I can add you too.

Thank you all ever so kindly for helping me in ideas and using your projects.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
Videos and Images of Trains: viewtopic.php?t=90763
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Now I have the objects separated into their own files for now .. gives me plenty room to add to them.

Start with the Fences seeing if I can make a stone fence that I seen in movies and documentaries in the UK and European countries and may also be in other countries too.
They are 4 pixels high the 5th pixel suppose to represent the top of the stones.

Those of you who live in the countries with stone fences can let me know if you think these are ok. They have some green moss (grass) growing on them to give a old effect.
Stone Fences.png
Stone Fences.png (119.79 KiB) Viewed 140403 times
These fences courtesy of OpenGFX + Landscape.

If you want a sample of what I doing here is 5 NewGRF files for Bridges And Embankments, Electricity, Farms, Fences and Rail.
Completed NewGRF files.rar
(1.79 MiB) Downloaded 1422 times
Before these get to Banana will wait till I finish the other sets and then I like to add something new to each set before officially releasing them.

In the previous version of AuzFakeRailwayLines I have a coal stage, water tower, goods sheds and some other buildings. There are already some of these in AuzObjects_Rail so be no need for 2 lots. So I hope to transfer these to AuzObject_Rails. The had a good look at pictures of the coal Stage that used to be at Broadmeadow NSW, Australia so hope to alter the Coal Stage to match it as close as possible. The Coal Stage at Broadmeadow had at one end a place for Locomotives to load sand and a short distance beyond the coal stage was a de-ashing pit where they dropped the ash into a 4 wheeled wagon underneath.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
Videos and Images of Trains: viewtopic.php?t=90763
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Here's the next AuzObject set .. AuzObjects_Towns.

Has a few new houses .. more will be added later.
NewHouses2.png (17.81 KiB) Viewed 140363 times
The old house comes with its ownThunder Box (Sorry sound affects not included)

This set so far has 14 types of house, Motor-Inn, Pub (Hotel), FastFood Outlet, Churches, schools, 18 types of other buildings which shops with flats (units) upstairs, commercial, office buildings and a Post Office, Rear laneways and car parking, Playground and parks and phone booths on some corners.

Here's sample 1 of this set.
(1.44 MiB) Downloaded 1297 times
EDIT: The pic and file I had short time ago on this page was wrong ones.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
Videos and Images of Trains: viewtopic.php?t=90763
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Finished making the different AuzObjects sets and unfortunately there is 12 sets .. wayyyy to many ,.. especially if your like me and load as many NewGRF files into your game as possible.

There are several small sets which I will combine and call them AuzObjects_LandAndWater.

In this set can go the Electricity, RecreationAndLeisure and WaterFeatures.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

The NewObjects Sets now are:


Fences are a small set, but fences can be used in many areas so will keep that set for now.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Hi All,

I got 10 sets made for the AuzObjects sets .. slowly adding new objects to these sets. Be a few more days or more before I put them on Bananas as want to add something new to each set.

These replace the following: Auz_Lineside_Objects, Auz_Roadside-Objects, Auz_Landscape_Objects, Auz_Water_Objects, AuzFakeRailwayLines and AuzFakeRailwayLines_Add-ons.

Here they are if you like to try them.

Part 1 of 4
(412.79 KiB) Downloaded 1183 times
It has Embankments, Fake Bridges and Culverts
(161.52 KiB) Downloaded 1140 times
It has Fake railway lines to map out where you want you railway lines to go and also fake railway line to make sidings and marshalling yards.
The is also a Survey Markers set (places white posts where you wish to survey for road and rail) or maybe your building a scenario to scale and can use this pegs to messure distance beteen places.
(117.67 KiB) Downloaded 1202 times
Has Fake UK Sealed Roads, Gravel Roads, dirt Roads and dirt tracks. Also has rest stops. The reason making this a separate file is so I can make other fake road types. Asked several months ago to make North American set, not I have the room to make them.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
Videos and Images of Trains: viewtopic.php?t=90763
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Part 2 of 4
(168.25 KiB) Downloaded 1073 times
Has fake railway sidings with Freight Wagons, Passenger Carriages, Shunting Locomotives and some DMUs .. I hope to be able to add more Locomotives and EMUs.
(439.26 KiB) Downloaded 1292 times
Has Farm Buildings, Animals, Vehicles, Machinet and Crops.
(212.73 KiB) Downloaded 1221 times
Has a variety of fences such as Farm Fences, Security Fences, Wooden Fences, Brick Fences and more.
Soot Happens
Screenshot Of The Month Winner March 2020
All my projects are GPLv2 License unless stated.
Auz Road Sets: viewtopic.php?f=29&t=87335
Auz Project Releases: viewtopic.php?f=67&t=84725
Auz Trains:
Auz Industry Sets:
Auz Objects: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75657
Auz Bridges: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=75248
Auz Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=76390
Auz Tracks: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=82691
Auz Subway Stations: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=85335
Auz Eyecandy TramTracks: viewtopic.php?t=89908
Videos and Images of Trains: viewtopic.php?t=90763
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Part 3 or 4
(428.31 KiB) Downloaded 1204 times
Has has 3 differerent objects sets:

WaterFeatures: Wharves, Ships, Dams and Storm Water Drains.

Electricity: Different types of Electrical power poles with wires and sub-stations. Also has some telephone wires that can be used with McZapkie's WIRED.

Recration/Leisure: Golf Course and other sports, and Tents, Caravans and Log Cabins.
(1.02 MiB) Downloaded 1216 times
Has a variety of landscape and terrain tiles, many of them are slope aware.
Also has Fake Rivers, Creeks and Lakes
(610.08 KiB) Downloaded 1140 times
These are railway related objects such as: Coal Stage, Turntables, Water Towers, Signal Boxes, Railway Stations and Freight Facilities, also some overhead carparking.
Last edited by GarryG on 05 Jan 2017 09:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Part 4 of 4
(420.65 KiB) Downloaded 1141 times
Has houses, shops, Parks and Playgrounds, Schools, Churches and more.

Hope to have source files available soon.

Please any comments good or bad appreciated.

Anyone like to chip in and make some objects for these sets your welcome to do so.

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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Pic of new Locomotive Workshops that been added to the AuzObjects_Rail above.
LocoWorkshops.png (26.09 KiB) Viewed 140226 times
They designed to go with the AuzObjects_FakeRailwysLines.
locoworkshops1.png (6.53 KiB) Viewed 140226 times
Each shed covers 2 tracks and can be used to make the shed as long or as wide as you like.
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by Pyoro »

At this pace you'll also hit the GRF limit at some point ^^;

Love those sandstone block tiles. Some of your landscape tiles look too ... 3D-ish or something to me; kinda hard to pinpoint exactly what bothers me about them, but, anyway, those sandstone ones I really like ;)
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Pyoro wrote:At this pace you'll also hit the GRF limit at some point ^^;
A bit concerned about this happening again too ..

It is using codes like this that interfered before so been removing many as possible:

Code: Select all

switch (FEAT_OBJECTS, SELF, switch_add_text_STR_RoadsGravel1, view) {
1: string(STR_RoadsGravel1_purchase_view2);
2: string(STR_RoadsGravel1_purchase_view3);
3: string(STR_RoadsGravel1_purchase_view4);
default: string(STR_RoadsGravel1_purchase_view1);

One of the reasons I like putting them in the forum first for members to try and see if they have any problems as we all play the game that little bit different and we use different NEWGRFs in our games.

Might work perfect my style of play but not necessary work good for other players.
Pyoro wrote:Love those sandstone block tiles. Some of your landscape tiles look too ... 3D-ish or something to me; kinda hard to pinpoint exactly what bothers me about them, but, anyway, those sandstone ones I really like
Thanks for complement .. if you figure out what it is that bothers you with some of the landscapes let me know, maybe they can be changed a bit if need.

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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

What my plans for more objects:


Make some small wooden culverts same size as the concrete and brick one.


There a few combinations still to be made.
Also hope to make some fake sidings with Catenary and wires.


Make some US Road designs.
The game has car parking lots but no Bus Terminal Parking lots.
Fake service stations (Petrol Stations) big enough to allow buses and trucks to use. (If successful might make a good Industry for AuzInd160 to).


Make some Fake EMUs and add some more Locomotives so you be able to make up a train n the sidings as if it ready to depart.


Add Fruit Trees


Make some low stone fences.
Also thinking the idea to move the fences into the middle of the tiles instead being on edge .. put them in the middle so the tile space not wasted. Also think they will look better if you want security fences around Industries.


The Utility Power Poles .. like to make another set lower then these and the arms not so wide .. make them look like telephone poles .. also want this idea for use along side railway lines. Those of you who seen the wires that follow railway lines would has seen masses of wires for working safe working instruments and phones.

Also been asked if I could make a Hydro Power station.

WaterFeatures: Like to add some more Fake ships. Add some pleasure craft to water tiles. Add Warehouses and some other buildings found in Ports and Harbours to store Import and Export cargos. The Wharves I have made, so some weathered ones too.

Recreation/Leisure: Add some more Sport fields.


Add some transition tiles.


Add a few buildings that are found in Locomotive Depots such as repair shops, Crew Barracks, office buildings.
Make a few more railway stations and see if I can make some old style cranes for loading and unloading freight wagons.


Add old style buildings found in towns back in the 1800s and early 1900s.

That list is some of the main things I like to add.

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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Seeing if I can make a set of Safeworking and Telephone wires to follow the railway lines.
Safeworking and Telephone Wires1.png
Safeworking and Telephone Wires1.png (58.46 KiB) Viewed 140079 times
Only done the wires along the flats running NW to SE and SW to NE at moment. These are overlap wires. This to allow placing of a signal box or a staff hut near the wires.

Problem I having is if Signal Box placed at over end like this.
Safeworking and Telephone Wires2.png
Safeworking and Telephone Wires2.png (30.02 KiB) Viewed 140079 times
The post is sitting on the roof at the overlap section.

Hope I can find the problem to fix this.

Intend to make a set of slope aware for these wires so should be able to follow the railway line almost anywhere.
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by Hyronymus »

That looks really cool :).
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by Pyoro »

The problem with the signal box and the poles might be due to bounding boxes. Have you set them correctly?
GarryG wrote:Thanks for complement .. if you figure out what it is that bothers you with some of the landscapes let me know, maybe they can be changed a bit if need.
I really don't know how to explain it precisely. Like:
Aesthetic Tranports, 3. Nov 1968.png
Aesthetic Tranports, 3. Nov 1968.png (254.42 KiB) Viewed 140031 times
Those for example. I know people have vastly differently aesthetic senses when it comes to things like that, but to me the rocks look almost like someone glued a photograph on the cliff. A bit like 90-style graphic when some games tried being "photorealistic", but the graphics weren't yet good enough to pull it off. In any case, it kinda clashes with the default TTD styles (classic TTD more so than OpenGFX+ I think. Err. Even if this is Japanese landscape, but that's fairly similar to the OTT style), which are much less "realistic".

I think for me, they'd actually need to be less plastic, less vivid to fit with the others, but I wouldn't even know where to start ^^;
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by GarryG »

Pyoro wrote:The problem with the signal box and the poles might be due to bounding boxes. Have you set them correctly?
I got no idea on the coding how to set the bounding boxes, I thought I put this question over in the NML - a Newgrf Meta Language section .. now I know why been no answer as it not there.

I changed the sprite layouts

Code: Select all

    building {
        sprite: spriteset_telephone_wires(0);
        hide_sprite: nearby_tile_height(0, 0) >= snowline_height;
        xoffset: 0; //from NE edge
        yoffset: 0; //from NW edge
        zoffset: 0;
        xextent: 16;
        yextent: 32;
        zextent: 0;

building {
        sprite: spriteset_telephone_wires_SNOW(0);
        hide_sprite: nearby_tile_height(0, 0) < snowline_height;
        xoffset: 0; //from NE edge
        yoffset: 0; //from NW edge
        zoffset: 0;
        xextent: 16;
        yextent: 32;
        zextent: 0;

Thinking by setting the zextent to 0 might have worked. But unfortunately it didn't.

Pyoro wrote:I really don't know how to explain it precisely. Like:
Those rocks are cloned from photos I took of ballast stones and just re shaded the colours so they don't flash. So maybe they too realistic looking or maybe the rocks are too big.
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by Pyoro »

Hrm, that's unfortunately not something I'm particularly familiar with either. zextend should be the height in pixels though, so technically all you need to do is count pixels and set it to that. x/yextend are given in 1/16th fraction of the tile. Not sure the item property height changes things about drawing; I think that should be set to 1/8th the actual pixels (so a 16 pixel pole would be height 2).

But in any case I'd think the problem in the case of the screenshot would be the signal box in front, not the pole in the back. You could try turning on the bounding boxes ingame and see if that helps figuring it out ^^;
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Re: AuzObjects

Post by kamnet »

I think the main problem with the rocks is the fact that it's all just cut off right at the edge of the tile. Only real way to fix that is to make another set of tiles that feathers/thins them out so that the ground sprite comes through. Quast65's Beach Objects does this for sand, for example. The downside is that it's a whole 'nother mess of tiles that have to be made in order to get the aesthetics looking right.
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