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BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 10 Jan 2010 16:49
by Ammler
I just published a new MiniGRF, which is a update of my 2 other BaseCosts Mods GRFs, this one is mainly for experienced users, as it needs a bit thinking before usage.

Mainly you need to configure it with parameter pairs, the first value is the decimal ID Number from newgrf wiki, the second the factor, where 8 is default, 9 double 10 4x, 7 half etc.

You could preload the Presets GRF and chose one of the settings, this might help you with configuring less pairs.
Example for terraforming x16, but keep foundations at default
Example for terraforming x16, but keep foundations at default
BaseCostsModExampleTF.png (8.14 KiB) Viewed 24434 times
More Infos: (please extend)

Note. It is also possible to combine this GRF with Pikkas pb_build.grf, so you are able to use that set but for exmple modify the foundations. (Example on the Wikipage)

Download both NewGRFs from BaNaNaS or from the DevZone:

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.0

Posted: 24 Jan 2010 14:51
by petert
Note: GRF only works with a version great than 0.7.5 (eg Nightly or 1.0 [betas])

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.0

Posted: 05 Feb 2010 10:48
by Ammler
petert wrote:Note: GRF only works with a version great than 0.7.5 (eg Nightly or 1.0 [betas])
Hmm, that isn't the GRF, which doesn't work, 0.7.x and earlier just have another behavior with BaseCosts, it was quite a pain to change those on a running game, but with help of scenario editor it was possibly already.

Now (trunk), you can change BaseCosts on a running game by simply add/modifying a grf. :-)


Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.0

Posted: 15 Apr 2010 12:40
by Cadde
Ah yes, this is just what i have been looking for. Too bad i couldn't find this earlier!
However, i am confused over the presets. (And slightly annoyed over the fact i had to install OOo just to check what the presets where)
In the BaseCostsTable.ods file i see preset 1, preset 2 and what seems to be a blank preset that i can only guess would be the luukland hard preset, but i would really love to have a confirmation if this is the case.

Then while we are at it, i tried to register for the ottdcoop dev zone to submit a preset but once i completed registration it took me straight to the login page and i cannot login with the details i provided.
Attached my preset in ods format for your pleasure. (Pretty please compile me a grf, with sugar on top)

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.1 - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 07 Aug 2010 11:29
by Ammler
Both GRFs updated with Action14

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.1 - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 16:22
by Jackson21
Will This work with new track sets like Nutracks?

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.1 - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 17 Jun 2011 16:24
by planetmaker
Did you try?

Hint: it applies to ALL BaseCosts..

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.1 - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 27 Oct 2011 11:31
by aMcMurray
I've just dusted off my old PC for some retro goodness :)
Will this work on it's own... I mean does this depend on other mods being present?

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.1 - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 27 Oct 2011 11:33
by planetmaker
It will work independent of any other NewGRFs.

If another NewGRF modifies base costs (either locally or globally), the modifies are cumulative.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 3.1 - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 21 Sep 2012 09:48
by Ammler

Uploaded two new versions to bananas, 3.3 is the last GRFv7 to support older OpenTTD releases or Patchpacks and then 4.0 is the new GRFv8 version.

Both versions are updated to support the new costs introduced with OpenTTD 1.2.

This update should bring the open ticket counter to 0 again.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 4.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 12 Oct 2012 09:42
by Ammler
A new version which is not compatible to the earlier releases has been bananized:


All 3 versions are still supported: 3.3, 4.0 and 5.0

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 02:00
by Manuestaire
Is there any option to increase the price of buying land??

I'm sorry to recover this old thread, but i think it's the best place to ask.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 03:23
by Sylf
Seeing how this is a straight interface to the BaseCosts available to the NewGRF, and seeing how the purchase land is not available, I don't think there is any way to modify that cost.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 05:59
by Supercheese
Manuestaire wrote:Is there any option to increase the price of buying land??

I'm sorry to recover this old thread, but i think it's the best place to ask.
Pretty sure the price of buying land is just directly related to the price to clear the land in the first place. So, buying farmland is more expensive than buying plain grass, etc.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 13:31
by Manuestaire
Don't know if that's the correct place to ask for a feature, but could be the buying land cost be added as another setting?

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 14:02
by planetmaker
Manuestaire wrote:Don't know if that's the correct place to ask for a feature, but could be the buying land cost be added as another setting?
Bought company land is a type of object. Its price is ruled by object build cost.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 22:31
by Gigigonzalez
I wish this mod would add up on the value to strenghten the cost rather then multiply each time

so Instead of 2x 4x 8x 16x 32x etc it becomes 2x 4x 6x 8x 10x or something.

Im having A LOT of trouble fine tuning specific costs anything above 4x~ for A LOT of aspects etc because higher settings go out of control too fast.

I also dont see a reason why there are 256x options, i mean jeez.. id rather have some better finetuning then that. I mean if people simply dont want you to use or build some specific thing just give it a seperate option 'excessively expensive' lol

Perhaps first 5 entries linear and then multiply after that ? like 2x 4x 6x 8x 10x 12x 14x 16x 32x 64x 128x 256x


Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 04 Sep 2014 22:39
by planetmaker
Gigigonzalez wrote:Perhaps first 5 entries linear and then multiply after that ? like 2x 4x 6x 8x 10x 12x 14x 16x 32x 64x 128x 256x
That's not something a NewGRF can decide. Base costs factors are defined in powers of two and that's it basically.

You can change that. But you have to change that in OpenTTD itself so that costs can be adjusted in other steps than factors of two, create a new part of NewGRF specs and expose those all new base costs again to NewGRFs. And then write a NewGRF similar to this one in order to be able to adjust them.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 12 Oct 2014 15:17
by Manuestaire
Some time ago i found out that increasing the cost of removing industries was stupid since it's base cost was 0 (don't really know if that's the real cost of removing the industry, or the costs are simply ignored when using the magic bulldozer), so, i suppose openttd code needs to be modified for that, maybe you can suggest that for me, since i don't really know how to do it.

Re: BaseCosts Mod 5.0 (GRFv8) - BaseCosts Presets 1.4.2

Posted: 12 Jan 2023 09:45
by jirkov
Hi, I quite like the mod, but it has some flaws that I miss in it. Can you please add the maintenance of vagons, electric railway, monorail and maglev. Thanks