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Posted: 22 Jul 2004 19:49
by nm2588
It depends on the version of Trillian you are using. 0.74 works funny with IRC, but the Pro versions 1 & 2 work really well. That's all I use for my chatting needs.

Posted: 18 Oct 2004 17:40
by Prof. Frink
Can we add another rule?

17463. Giving a running commentary on the Star Wars Trilogy is strictly forbidden, even to Ops.

Posted: 18 Oct 2004 17:44
by ThorRune
Prof. Frink wrote:17463. Giving a running commentary on the Star Wars Trilogy is strictly forbidden, even to Ops.
Haha, sound's like a fun log :P
Do youy log? Post it :P

Posted: 18 Oct 2004 17:58
by GoneWacko
I have the log
but I'd have to edit out all the non-related blabber.

Posted: 18 Oct 2004 22:15
by orudge
Hmm, it's Return of the Jedi at the moment. ;) Anyway, that's off-topic. I'll try to cut down on it in the future...

Posted: 25 Oct 2004 10:28
by orudge
OK, just to spell this out clearly: no "1337 speak" or other stupid things like that. If you're going to write a message, write it properly. "[I am an idiot]" and "joo" are not words, "you" is.

Posted: 25 Oct 2004 22:29
by ChrisCF
Er, "I am an idiot" are all words :P

Posted: 25 Oct 2004 22:37
by orudge
D'oh, that pesky word filter. It's all the fault of a certain gold thing that presumably engages in combat...

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 08:03
by ThorRune
Are bouncers allowed in #tycoon?
Because i'm renting a bouncer.

(Bouncer is a bot-ish thing that stays in the channel when i'm gone, ensuring noone steals my nick, and it can be set to log on a specific event (I'd set it to log everything containing zetor, Zetor2003, thor, rune, thorrune), and... Well, that's pretty much it.)

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 08:48
by ChrisCF
No, they're not. Nobody tell him otherwise please ;-)

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 09:30
by ThorRune
Why not?

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 09:47
by CombatGold1
orudge wrote:D'oh, that pesky word filter. It's all the fault of a certain gold thing that presumably engages in combat...
i've replied to that post many times but some smart arse moderator keeps deleting it for no reason. as far as i know, owen doesnt like topics or posts deleted, because that would mean there is no proof of something happening.

so, whichever mod is deleting this, reply why, because your obviously sad.

anyway, as i said earlier, my reply is "what have i done now? :D"

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 09:49
by ThorRune
CG1, there usually is a reason for that. This time, it's that it's spam.

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 15:26
by orudge
CombatGold1 wrote:anyway, as i said earlier, my reply is "what have i done now? :D"
Some months ago, you kept saying words like "[I am an idiot]" and so on, so I stuck a load of words like this in the word filter. Then I tried to actually use one of them a few days ago to make a point that they weren't allowed, and it replaced it with "". That was all.

Anyway, end of discussion when it comes to this...

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 22:10
by Lilman424
No bouncers Chris? That's a bit hypocritical, isn't it? ;)

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 22:50
by Patchman
Well, bouncers are okay if you can't tell that it's a bouncer.

So that means no annoying[*] away/logging/disconnect messages.

[*] It is worth pointing out that there is no way to make these messages not annoying :D

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 23:04
by ChrisCF
Grey text, people. Grey text ... ;)

Posted: 28 Oct 2004 23:05
by Prof. Frink
You have to put it on another line, or at least give us some kind of clue...

Posted: 29 Oct 2004 06:55
by ThorRune
Prof. Frink wrote:You have to put it on another line, or at least give us some kind of clue...
It'll be

ThorRune - me
thorrune - bouncer

Could make it
if that's better...

Posted: 29 Oct 2004 07:13
by Prof. Frink
Well, seeing as IRC nicks are case-insensitive, you'd have to.

That comment was to ChrisCF, not you anyways.