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Someone asked me to draw some bridges, and I did that last weekend. But I couldn't stop, so I've drawn a total of 12

different bridges. Here they are! Hopefully someone can use them. I can't make .nfo files so that needs to be done by someone else. I've included all necessary parts (I hope

) of the brigdes in each bridge's .png file.
Each bridge has it's own min and max length. I've made some suggestions of how a bridge could look like when it has a specific length. (Some bridges are just normal, and so the suggested length wouldn't be more than logical.)
Those roads are just for example. I think (and hope) the rail, monorail and maglev graphics have the same size as the road graphics, so it shouldn't be a problem to replace those roads.
I didn't draw any pillars (except for bridge 7 and 11) because I think the original can be used. Besides that I only drew one direction because I think these graphics can be mirrored without any bad result.

Bridge 1 is based on a photo I saw at this forum. Someone (I forgot who) asked me to draw this bridge, so here it is!

(I thought he/she promised to use it


Bridge 2 is based on bridge 1 and on a Dutch Motorway Bridge (I forgot the name).

Bridge 3 is based on a viaduct over a motorway in the neighbourhood of where I live.

Brige 4 is based on a brige I drew a long time ago on paper, during a vacation, in Germany I thought.

Brige 5 is based on an aqueduct over a highway somewhere in the Netherlands. Although it's now filled up with some road, it should be filled up with water

, but I don't know if aqueducts already are implemented in any TT game (TTD Patch, OTTD, FreeTT, TTU, etc.)

Bridge 6 is based on a highway-viaduct in the Netherlands. Although it doesn't look very special, it's something different.

Bridge 7 is based on a concrete fly-over and a concrete modern railway viaduct.

Bridge 8 is based on nothing

. I just hadn't any realistic inspiration. But we need a futuristic bridge too, don't we?

Bridge 9 is based on bridge 1. I thought I could use another variation on that bridge, and I thought I could use another brown bridge as well.

Bridge 10 is based on a bridge I drew during a vacation a while ago.

Bridge 11 is based on nothing. I just had a crazy idea of putting flashing lights on a bridge. This bridge might be used as a very futuristic bridge.

Bridge 12 is based on the wish of my brother: A glass bridge.