I thought I'd suggest some re-phrasing to make things read a little more smoothly
enhances industries and more control which industries may become available
Enhances industries and gives more control over which industries become available.
Presence of the Coal chain. Depending on climate will use the defaults of the current climate
This parameter controls the presence of the coal chain. When setting the parameter to "depending on climate" the presence of the coal chain will be controlled by the default settings for the climate
Similarly for the other industries
Note that you can only have three Factory cargos at the same time. If you select more than three, when possible some cargos will be accepted by other industry instead (Farm cargos by the Food Processing Plant, Wood by the Sawmill).
The Factory will accept a maximum of three cargoes. If more than three are selected, some cargoes will be accepted by other industries instead (Farm cargoes by the Food Processing Plant, Wood by the Sawmill).
Note CargoEs
:By default, Oil Wells cannot be built at all in temperate (except while the map is being generated) and they cannot appear after the year 1950 in other climates. Also, Oil Wells in the temperate climate will not increase their production.
By default Oil wells can not be built by players in the temperate climate. In other climates Oil wells can not be built by players after 1950. Temperate Oil wells will never increase production
STR_PARAM_VALUABLES_BANK_DISABLE_RESTRICTIONS :Disable Valuables Bank building restrictions
STR_PARAM_VALUABLES_BANK_DISABLE_RESTRICTIONS_DESC :By default, Valuables Banks do not appear during map generation.
I suggest getting rid of the word valuables