Increase Profit Margin!!!

Talk about the sequel to the original TT, Transport Tycoon Deluxe.
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Tycoon Seeker
Posts: 5
Joined: 03 Apr 2008 04:45

Increase Profit Margin!!!

Post by Tycoon Seeker »

OMG, how the heck do I in crease my profit margin to $20,000.
It's the only problem I have ....I have a 100% of everything else and because of this, my Detailed Performance Rating is is like 900 to 920 and I don't know how to get it to go any higher!
Please help me...
TTDPatch Developer
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Re: Increase Profit Margin!!!

Post by DaleStan »

Step 1: Use fewer bangs (exactly three fewer, as it turns out) in your topic titles.
Step 2: Sell all vehicles that aren't making the required profit.
Step 3: Install TTDPatch, and turn on the appropriate switches.
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