Simutrans & Transport Tycoon (TTD)

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Simutrans & Transport Tycoon (TTD)

Post by Jacques »

Help ! Can anyone here in Europe send me a CD with complete already WORKING installations of both Simutrans and TTD burned on it, (including the 43 patches/switches and Sign Cheats ##1,2,8 & 9 for TTD, and all PAK, Food Chain and GRF files for both); for I don't understand a thing about command lines and where to find them, or how to install and activate these things) so that all I would then have to do is start the games and play them? I'm willing to pay for this help if need be. After struggling for over a year, and downloading everything that sounded promising (such as TTD Alter, TTDPatch, all new graphics for both TTD and Simutrans, and trying to understand from the readme.files and other litterature about them, I give up.
Nothing works the way it is described or supposed to be (except TTDXeditor), and I get no new vehicles or buildings, no changeable game speeds, none of the wonderful things I read about on websites.
All I have now is a partly working version of the two original games, and both folders have become messes within messes within messes. In other words, nested messes. It has become so messy now that I myself don't know anymore what's where.
I am not a teenage computer geek (who seem to effortlessly understand everything and for whom these new games seem to be exclusively designed), but a 73-year old invalid, who is desperately trying to keep up and make things work, so that I might finally get the full enjoyment ouf of these 2 wonderful games, while I still can. Even when I try to make helpful suggestions by somebody in a forum work, it fails or I do not understand what he means (and hate to admit it).
I am talking about working Windows98 versions, by the way. Many thanks for any help with custom-made working versions of these 2 games, burned on a CD. Jack. (

SHADOW-XIII: one topic is enough, locking, continue posting here

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