Airplanes and route development

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Airplanes and route development

Post by Nordic player »

Have some questions about strategy with airplanes. Best strategy for creating a network. How many planes are appropriate and link to an airport, small and large. When does it make sense to use a timetable. I don't think it makes sense if planes or cars slow each other down. I play with cargo disp for passengers and without inflation. Play on a height map with fjords and islands. Grfs that are central to this game are Firs 5 timerwolf, gets. One thing I never get around to is getting more cars and not queuing, of course this also applies to trains. I make timetables, but sooner or later, they start queuing up. I have set myself the goal of getting to 2050 or 1000 points. The threat to and manage it is that vehicles go into the red. I started in 1932 and am now in 1971. Has about 80 years left and is now only missing a few stations. I think it is important not to lose control while making the game interesting enough. The worst thing that can happen is that things become too big and unmanageable. What is important now is to get rid of traffic jams. How can I avoid it? For me, there are at least two weeks left to play and I try to make it interesting enough. profitability for buses and post vans is the problem now. Haven't played with cars that much since I stopped playing with inflation. It is a bit more challenging without inflation. I think Cargodisp also enhances the playing experience, but it also demands that things work and . Good advice is gratefully received. not that I don't know the game, but I don't understand what I have misunderstood when it comes to timetables.
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Re: Airplanes and route development

Post by odisseus »

Timetables only work well with ships and road vehicles.

The easiest way to ensure regular intervals between airplane departures is to make them wait for full load at one end of the trip, but not at the other.
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Re: Airplanes and route development

Post by 2TallTyler »

You can also use depot unbunching for all types of vehicles (including aircraft). This is new in 14.0 and I use it in all my games.
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Re: Airplanes and route development

Post by odisseus »

I don't think unbunching will help with aircraft. For any airport with a reasonably large passenger supply, the taxiing between the hangar and the loading spot will cause a bottleneck.
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Re: Airplanes and route development

Post by Nordic player »

:O so then the conclusion is that timetables don't really matter? Okay then I won't waste any more time on it. What about recommended flights per airport small and large? How can I avoid vehicles from queuing up. I have tried many times and sre the buses when I have several on a route, but they pile up again
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Re: Airplanes and route development

Post by AntoninKyrene »

Airports can benefit from timetables, but you have to be willing to do the math to make it work, and the math can get complicated. It normally took me one year in game time to get a stable timetable alignment and about six months to verify a new addition didn't throw everything off. I only used the small/commuter airport and the first 'large' airport, so I can't speak for any airport that might support simultaneous movements.

I also had to put idle time into my timetables to keep things tight. I am not a 'squeeze every last ounce of profit/performance' possible' player, so idle time was fine.
Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan
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Re: Airplanes and route development

Post by Nordic player »

thanks for the advice, when I play with cargo distribution and infrastructure I find that the costs of flights are much higher than what comes in. Right now I have 6 million in costs in infrastructure and 3 million in income from flights. There is a limit on how many flights per airport and I think I am on the limit with 6 airports and 11 flights. I would think that it was possible to make money even with the costs of infrastructure
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