The forums continue to see a lot of traffic, with expenses remaining consistent with last year, so we are aiming for £500 of donations again (around US $610, or €595), to help cover as much of the expense of running the forums as possible. Your generosity is hugely appreciated - without your help, the forums may not exist today. If you could spare even just a few pounds, dollars, euros, or whatever currency you use, to help the forums, it will be a great help.
Instead of a single large donation, you may wish to consider sending a regular monthly donation, if this is something you can afford. Hosting for the forums is paid monthly, so this can help to spread things around a bit. If you'd be interested in donating like this, please let me know.
You can find the donation page here. Donations can be taken by PayPal (including credit/debit card payments - you don't need a PayPal account) and direct bank transfer (including international bank transfers). Within the UK, I can also accept cheques and postal orders. If there is another way you would like to donate, let me know and we can figure something out. Your donations are very much appreciated.
Bank details
UK: Account number 75798685, sort code 23-14-70, account name Owen Rudge (UK payments only)
US: Please send me a PM for details
EUR: IBAN BE65 9670 3187 7596, BIC TRWIBEB1XXX (payments from the Eurozone only)
Please include some kind of reference to TT-Forums (e.g. "TTF") when making a payment. For bank transfers from any other country, please contact me for details.
If you don't want to, or can't, send a monetary donation, you can use our Amazon affiliate links when you shop at, or Again, the donations page here explains that.
Please note that donations to OpenTTD are NOT donations for the forums; the forums and OpenTTD are unconnected (although I process donations for both, they are held and recorded separately). To donate to the forums, please use this link, not the link on the OpenTTD web site.
Thank you all for your support. Please let me know if you have any questions. (This announcement will be removed in the future.)
CURRENT TOTAL DONATED: £408.06 / £500.00 (81%)
Click here to donate!