For competitive gaming, I have a few suggestions that should probably be quite simple to implement. The goal of these features is to requires less admins and increase gaming fun in competitive games.
- option to disable destroying of goods-accepting buildings (or any building). This prevents situations where trolls destroy goods-accepting buildings to diminish income from companies making bank using goods.
- options to disable competition on secondary material (goods, steel, etc). This prevents trolling where players build a short line from the factory to a town to compete very cheaply with a player having setup a massive production on a factory.
- (less simple to implement probably) introduce reputation as driver for competition share. It's a bit rough to service say a farm for years with 100% rating, and then suddenly a competitor start competing with 40% rating still getting a big proportion of the produce. Reputation should fix that - I leave it to the experts to figure out a way to keep track of that. (Idea: monthly check on rating, gaining/loosing reputation points based on current rating?)
My 2 cents. Cheers!