Player option to choose refittable cargoes

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Not In Service
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Player option to choose refittable cargoes

Post by Not In Service »

Checked the various places and couldn't find this unless missed it or comes under 'Wagon replace with cargo refit (advanced refit options)' but my idea is based on one big headache picking vehicles, guessing it is probably in the readmes but you of course need the grf to have the readme - this is that it's really time consuming and often fruitless trying to find out if NewGRF vehicles accept certain cargoes, especially ones from things like FIRS4 or Toytown/ conversions thereof because it's so disliked, and many don't where there's an obvious logical cargo for the vehicle but it's not been set up for it as an option.

So could there be a way, I'm guessing as a sandbox option, for players to assign a cargo refit option (for any cargo from the chosen industry set) to a vehicle that hasn't been assigned to be refittable to the cargo per the grf as this would remove said selection headaches and allow more flexibility, especially as there are lots of ways many vehicles could otherwise be useless in certain situations if a vehicle chosen can't actually carry the cargoes in the game you're playing or if the latest new grfs mean new cargoes as many it seems don't get updated and many don't seem to support all the cargo types they logically could.

Maybe you don't get the visual for the cargo being carried changing for obvious reasons as certain vehicles have graphics for what is being carried so you'd be limited by the grf to an extent (although that may be possible in some cases if there's a replaceable cargo image that could be replaced with a generic one although I suspect this may not be possible as they may all be one graphic with the vehicle and cargo fused as it were graphic wise, depends how the graphics work for adding cargo to the loaded vehicles) and that aspect would need working round , sometimes it wouldn't matter for example if using a refuse truck for recyclables as closed vehicles such as trucks and closed wagons don't need to show their cargoes.

May also be useful in scenario creation too so chosen vehicles roster is more related to what's being transported in the particular setup and industry choices of the scenario.

Any improvements to browsing grf options would related to this be a good thing, currently it's a bit of a dig getting all the 'want to know before using' stuff like is it finished, is it stable or still being bug-fixed, is it deprecated or abandoned, screenshots etc, this is currently quite hit and miss and not all in one place - not sure exactly how but there may be ways to tidy this information up, and have the web links if relevant as sometimes you have to web search it then find there is a set of vehicle images or whatever you were looking for after all but it's not linked in and in one place with the grf details, not a negative, you're going to get those kinds of things with something 'open', just something that there might be a potential improvement for.

Edit: additional - might also be useful sandboxing-wise to be able to tweak a few other things with vehicles like vehicle speed/stats, air range limits etc for grfs lest any be too easy/difficult/realistic/unrealistic/unsuitable for the specific game you're playing (but maybe with a reference somewhere on what you might want to set them to and what might be realistic for certain vehicles/eras and best for map sizes/distances) and perhaps dates of vehicles/ more control over this as you might want some vehicles to not expire for things like tourist steam railways, early/long games or just variety in your game but maybe don't want every vehicle ever to always be available if it's too many, so maybe some ways to tweak this too, maybe being able to adjust vehicle availability from grfs as you need. On this note some additional customization of vehicle lists for selecting them might be handy so similar to cargo type you could create custom groups for when buying vehicles so you don't have too many to pick from (this would be per game unless there are labels all grfs have that could be used for a general system, maybe both for flexibility)
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