Trains stop half-way into stations
Moderator: OpenTTD Developers
Trains stop half-way into stations
I encountered a problem concerning my train stops and am looking gladly for help as I could not find this problem within another thread:
I use dead-end stations at both ends of each track. Each dead-end station has also a train depot at the end of the station (see image). I have been using this configuration for many years now. The train comes in, drives to the outer most end of the station, loads/unloads turns around and passes on to the other end.
I installed now the V14.1 and since then something is off: My trains stop two tiles before the end of a train platform (all trains at any train station) and unload there normally. After that they change their direction and drive to the other station. This would be only a minor problem when having trains that are exactly as long as the station itself leaving part of the train outside the station. But the trains do not drive into the depot for maintenance. I can send them manually and they will find the depot but after the 150d passed they go on driving and collecting hundreds of break downs over years.
I'm using the YAPF for routing, no waypoints and also no signals.
Re: Trains stop half-way into stations
If you look at Vehicle->Orders in the settings, you should see that there's a setting called "New train orders stop by default at the ... of the platform". I'm guessing that it's set to 'middle' (which is the default in 14.1).
As for them not using depots, look in Vehicle-Routing at the "Disallow train reversing in stations" setting - if you set it to 'On', this should force the train to continue forward into the depot before turning around, as the station is seen as a 'non-terminus' station. You will also need to set the 'Category' to "Advanced Settings" or "Expert Settings / all settings" to see this setting.
As for them not using depots, look in Vehicle-Routing at the "Disallow train reversing in stations" setting - if you set it to 'On', this should force the train to continue forward into the depot before turning around, as the station is seen as a 'non-terminus' station. You will also need to set the 'Category' to "Advanced Settings" or "Expert Settings / all settings" to see this setting.
Re: Trains stop half-way into stations
Dear skc,
Thank you for the reply! I'll try it asap
Thank you for the reply! I'll try it asap

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