Help Getting Longer Trains PLEASE!
Moderator: Locomotion Moderators
Help Getting Longer Trains PLEASE!
I have seen the thread for this but have no clue what I am doing and the OP of the thread said they will not provide a patch but I have seen Zimmlock with really long trains and other players but I can't for the life of me figure out how everyone has really long trains without using visual studio 10 to do what ever it is with the source code can someone please help me I really wanna run long trains.
Re: Help Getting Longer Trains PLEASE!
Are you asking about Locomotion, or OpenTTD? I've seen you post this request for two different games now.CSX _Fan wrote: 13 Mar 2024 00:58 I have seen the thread for this but have no clue what I am doing and the OP of the thread said they will not provide a patch but I have seen Zimmlock with really long trains and other players but I can't for the life of me figure out how everyone has really long trains without using visual studio 10 to do what ever it is with the source code can someone please help me I really wanna run long trains.
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Re: Help Getting Longer Trains PLEASE!
Locomotion sorry i might have accidently posted in both threads not meaning too.
Re: Help Getting Longer Trains PLEASE!
You can run long trains in Locomotion. There is a limitation that prevents them from moving on long sections of straight track, so build with lots of curves. If you place a train on curvy track, then let them run onto straighter track, they will slow down and stop, so the entire railroad needs to be curvy.
As far as Visual Studio... Locomotion was written in assembly code. You'd have to reverse engineer the entire program in a more modern language like C++ and then make the changes you are suggesting. It would be a monumental task and take years of careful work and documentation. And that's exactly what's being done in the OpenLoco project
Check them out : especially their Discord.
As far as Visual Studio... Locomotion was written in assembly code. You'd have to reverse engineer the entire program in a more modern language like C++ and then make the changes you are suggesting. It would be a monumental task and take years of careful work and documentation. And that's exactly what's being done in the OpenLoco project

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