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Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 28 Jul 2013 09:16
by Adro
I made five GRF files with real Bulgarian city and village names.
  1. Bulgaria_City.grf - all real city names in Bulgaria in Cyrillic and Latin (256 names)
  2. Bulgaria_Big_Village.grf - real big village (over 2000 people) names in Bulgaria in Cyrillic and Latin (187 names)
  3. Bulgaria_All_Village.grf - all real village names in Bulgaria in Cyrillic and Latin (4221 names)
  4. Bulgaria_City-Big_Village.grf - all real city names + big village (over 2000 people) names in Bulgaria in Cyrillic and Latin (436 names)
  5. Bulgaria_City-All_Village.grf - all real city names + all real village names in Bulgaria in Cyrillic and Latin (4413 names)
Of course, all duplicated names from different areas have been removed.

Tested and working on OpenTTD v1.3.1

Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 28 Jul 2013 10:29
by Adro
Sorry for second post, but only 3 attachments are allowed.

Re: Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 28 Jul 2013 21:54
by Sylf
Rather than putting those sets in separate GRFs, you can put them in single NewGRF, and let the players pick the desired set in Town Names option. You can see an example of this in Olympic Town Names and a few others.

Re: Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 29 Jul 2013 09:34
by planetmaker
My German townnames newgrf also offers that option to pick pseudo-random, all real towns or towns based on certain regions. (complete pre-processed code here,
how to add several choices to one NewGRF is basically done here)

Re: Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 13 Sep 2013 11:51
by Adro
I made two new GRF files - one of the cities in Cyrillic and one of the cities in Latin.

Contains all real city and village names in Bulgaria in Cyrillic and Latin.

Options: Five different options, each in Cyrillic and Latin:
  1. All real city names in Bulgaria (256 names)
  2. Real big village (over 2000 people) names in Bulgaria (187 names)
  3. All real village names in Bulgaria (4221 names)
  4. All real city names + big village (over 2000 people) names in Bulgaria (436 names)
  5. All real city names + all real village names in Bulgaria (4413 names)
Source: Town names got from (list to June 25, 2013)
Transliteration: Transliteration is made under the transliteration published on March 9, 2009

Attached files:
  1. Bulgarian_Townnames_CYR.grf - for cities in Cyrillic
  2. Bulgarian_Townnames_LAT.grf - for cities in Latin

Re: Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 18 Sep 2013 14:17
by Tvel
Can you combine the two files?

If not post the source files so others can try. ( Others = Me )

Re: Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 26 Nov 2016 00:55
by rddim
I continue this work and create one NewGRF file separated in six options:
#1. Bulgarian towns (Cyrillic) (256 names)
#2. Bulgarian towns (Latin) (256 names)
#3. Bulgarian villages (Cyrillic) (4302 names)
#4. Bulgarian villages (Latin) (4302 names)
#5. Bulgarian towns and villages (Cyrillic) (4558 names)
#6. Bulgarian towns and villages (Latin) (4558 names)

Source: (valid as at 22th November, 2016)
Transliteration: In conformity with the "Transliteration Act" promulgated at 9th March, 2009
The villages are with prefix "с. " in cyrillic and suffix " vlg." in latin because of duplication with the names of some towns

You can use BaNaNaS for download or the ingame options for online content in OpenTTD

The source code of this work can be found in GitHub

This is the initial release and the files will be updated when there is something new.

Re: Real Bulgarian city and village names

Posted: 09 Jan 2017 15:02
by rddim
Update to version 1.1

- rename village Musomishta to Mosomishte (due to the bulgarian government rename it)
- added russian description