Aircraft AI Competition

Discuss the new AI features ("NoAI") introduced into OpenTTD 0.7, allowing you to implement custom AIs, and the new Game Scripts available in OpenTTD 1.2 and higher.

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Aircraft AI Competition

Post by xarick »

Testing Aircraft AIs from time to time. The tileset choice was Toyland, because all types of cargos can be transported by aircraft. I disabled aircraft crashes, and disabled airport and vehicle models from expiring. Tested from 1950 to 2051.

Parameters and AIs tested:
[+] Spoiler

Code: Select all

(v25)           AdmiralAI = always_autorenew=1,build_bus_dtrs=0,depot_near_station=0,start_date=1,use_busses=0,use_trains=0,use_trucks=0                                                    - finished   (1.6.1)
(v95)                AIAI = clear_signs=1,hide_contact_information=1,start_date=1,use_buses=0,use_freight_trains=0,use_trucks=0                                                             - crashed    (1.6.1?)
(v97)                AIAI = clear_signs=1,hide_contact_information=1,start_date=1,use_buses=0,use_freight_trains=0,use_mail_trucks=0,use_trucks=0                                           - finished   (1.6.1)
(v23)              BorkAI = Passengers and mail=1,Randomness=0,Roadiness=0,enable_trams=0,start_date=1                                                                                      - bankrupted (1.6.1?)
(v10)             Chopper = max_industry_dis=250,max_station_dis=150,min_industry_dis=75,min_station_dis=50,min_town_size=500,start_date=1,stations_per_industry=5,use_plane_speed_factor=1 - finished   (1.6.1)
(v6)              CivilAI = BuyCar=10,BuyPlane=10,MaxBus=50,MaxCar=0,MinAirRange=80,NetworkRadius=64,start_date=1                                                                           - bankrupted (1.6.1?)
(v37)        CluelessPlus = enable_magic_dtrs=0,max_num_bus_stops=1,scp_enabled=0,start_date=1,use_planes=1,use_rvs=0                                                                       - finished   (1.6.1)
(v38)        CluelessPlus = enable_magic_dtrs=0,max_num_bus_stops=1,scp_enabled=0,start_date=1,use_planes=1,use_rvs=0                                                                       - finished   (1.7.2)
(v183)         DictatorAI = PresidentName=1,allow_scp=0,fairlevel=2,keep_road=1,start_date=1,station_balance=1,use_boat=0,use_road=0,use_train=0                                            - finished   (1.6.1)
(v1)            EpicTrans = start_date=1                                                                                                                                                    - bankrupted (1.6.1?)
(v3)            HeliFerry = build_ferries=0,start_date=1                                                                                                                                    - bankrupted (1.7.2)
(v1)               LuDiAI = is_friendly=0,start_date=1                                                                                                                                      - bankrupted (1.7.2)
(v1)                 MpAI = start_date=1                                                                                                                                                    - finished   (1.7.2)
(v499)              NoCAB = Enable road vehicles=0,Enable ships=0,Enable trains=0,Politics Setting=3,start_date=1                                                                           - finished   (1.6.1)
(v3)              NoNoCAB = Enable road vehicles=0,Enable ships=0,Enable trains=0,Politics Setting=3,start_date=1                                                                           - finished   (1.6.1)
(v5)              NoNoCAB = Enable road vehicles=0,Enable ships=0,Enable trains=0,Politics Setting=3,start_date=1                                                                           - finished   (1.7.2)
(v418)             OtviAI = start_date=1                                                                                                                                                    - bankrupted (1.6.1?)
(v14)             PAXLink = clear_signs=1,forbid_town_road_grid=1,quit_on_api_check_failure=0,start_date=1,use_ap_pair_optimizer=1                                                          - bankrupted (1.6.1?)
(v3) "Rythorn Airline AI" = event_check_speed=50,loan_check_speed=1000,min_profit_keep_aircraft=5000,min_town_size=500,route_check_speed=500,sleep_speed=50,start_date=1                    - finished   (1.6.1)
(v10)            SimpleAI = hq_in_town=1,newgrf_stations=0,start_date=1,subsidy_chance=10,use_custom_companyname=1,use_roadvehs=0,use_trains=0                                              - finished   (1.6.1)
(v12)            SimpleAI = hq_in_town=1,newgrf_stations=0,start_date=1,subsidy_chance=10,use_custom_companyname=1,use_roadvehs=0,use_trains=0                                              - finished   (1.7.2)
(v6)              SnakeAI = start_date=1                                                                                                                                                    - bankrupted (1.7.2)
(v15)            SynTrans = start_date=1                                                                                                                                                    - finished   (1.6.1)
(v209)             Terron = BusModule=0,ShipModule=0,TruckModule=0,fund_town_buildings=1,max_air_route_length=450,start_date=1,use_small_airports=1                                         - finished   (1.6.1)
(v4)             TeshiNet = enable_buses=0,start_date=1                                                                                                                                     - bankrupted (1.6.1?)
(v1)               TracAI = start_date=1,use_trains=0                                                                                                                                       - finished   (1.6.1)
(v130722)           Trans = Rail Vehicle=0,Road Vehicle=0,Water Vehicle=0,start_date=182                                                                                                    - finished   (1.6.1)
(v6)               WormAI = start_date=1,use_trains=0                                                                                                                                       - finished   (1.6.1)
(v7)               WormAI = start_date=1,use_trains=0                                                                                                                                       - finished   (1.7.2)
(v3)             WrightAI = start_date=1                                                                                                                                                    - finished   (1.6.1)
A short summary about those who bankrupted:
BorkAI v23, 1.6.1? - Even though the AI parameter settings allow disabling of road vehicles, it was unable to build any aircraft. I had to allow road vehicles so it could build aircraft, and it did build some, but also at the same time it built a large infrastructure of roads. Since I limited all other vehicle types to a maximum of 0, borkai was unable to gain enough profits with the few aircraft it built to sustain the roads.
CivilAI v6, 1.6.1? - It was building roads, even though I tried to limit the area which it could expand its network. I was hoping at some point that it would start building aircraft routes, but it never did. All the money was slowly being wasted for roads.
EpicTrans v1, 1.6.1? - Since it lacks any parameters, it started by building a massive amount of roads and no single airport. It exausted all the money on the first month and was the fastest bankrupt I've ever seen.
HeliFerry v3, 1.7.2 - It was doing fine, but works too close to the max loan limit, and bankrupted because of that. viewtopic.php?p=1203155#p1203155
LuDiAI v1, 1.7.2 - It builds roads and didn't build a single aircraft. The parameters aren't flexible to only allow aircraft to be built.
OtviAI v418, 1.6.1? - It starts by placing airports, and at the same time decides it is unprofitable and is repeatadly removing them, without ever building any aircraft. It did this in a quick succession, exausting all his money in the same year it started.
PAXLink v14, 1.6.1? - It relies on buses to feed the airports, but since road vehicles aren't allowed, the few aircraft it built were not enough to keep the company from bankrupting.
SnakeAI v6 - It builds roads and only after making many of them, it built an aircraft route. It was unable to gain enough profit with the only aircraft it built to sustain the roads.
TeshiNet v4, 1.6.1? - It builds roads and didn't build a single aircraft. The parameters aren't flexible to only allow aircraft to be built.

A short summary about those who crashed:
AIAI v95, 1.6.1?- Crashed while trying to remove some unprofitable aircraft. viewtopic.php?p=1174991#p1174991

A few AIs could not do autosaves due to taking too long to save. I still tested them in a password protected server, and only made one save in the entire session, on the last day, 1st Jan 2051. Otherwise, they would also crash. They were:
NoCAB v499, 1.6.1?

Results of those who reached 2051:

Code: Select all

AI name        (version);  company value;     profit acs %;    served sts  %;  profit ly ac;      avg/best ac     %; pieces ap;  eff ap; OTTD ver

AdmiralAI         (v25); £11,316,694,115; 3,129/3,133 100%; 1,277/1,279 100%; +£246,001,982;  £78,520/£221,759  35%;     1,279; 192,339; 1.6.1
AIAI              (v97); £20,712,904,613; 4,999/5,000 100%;   837/  840 100%; +£393,894,817;  £78,779/£376,077  21%;       840; 468,922; 1.6.1
Chopper           (v10);    £601,298,115;   739/  971  76%;   847/1,645  51%;  +£10,847,915;  £11,172/ £23,354  48%;     1,645;   6,594; 1.6.1
CluelessPlus      (v37);  £1,367,198,492;   343/  583  59%;    50/   65  77%;  +£27,101,533;  £46,486/£287,125  16%;        65; 416,947; 1.6.1
CluelessPlus      (v38);    £736,810,688;   282/  322  88%;    46/   49  94%;  +£20,209,707;  £62,763/£195,719  32%;        49; 412,443; 1.7.2
DictatorAI       (v183);  £2,827,009,817;   574/  574 100%;   170/  173  98%;  +£61,792,885; £107,653/£238,387  45%;       173; 357,184; 1.6.1
MpAI               (v1);      £1,286,946;    18/   23  78%;     2/  118   2%;     +£205,180;   £8,921/ £91,772  10%;         2; 102,590; 1.7.2
NoCAB            (v499);  £6,881,428,907; 4,550/4,991  91%;   834/  907  92%; +£203,057,043;  £40,685/£341,469  12%;       907; 223,878; 1.6.1
NoNoCAB            (v3);  £6,231,212,191; 1,744/1,769  99%;   782/  806  97%; +£125,793,587;  £71,110/£422,129  17%;       806; 156,071; 1.6.1
NoNoCAB            (v5);  £7,503,815,331; 1,817/1,841  99%;   778/  790  98%; +£151,316,734;  £82,193/£369,433  22%;       790; 191,540; 1.7.2
Rythorn Airline AI (v3);  £1,676,436,043;   654/  725  90%;   210/  528  40%;  +£48,141,120;  £66,402/£281,685  24%;       528;  91,176; 1.6.1
SimpleAI          (v10);  £5,406,806,248; 1,407/1,428  99%;   594/  786  76%; +£118,895,938;  £83,260/£329,770  25%;       786; 151,267; 1.6.1
SimpleAI          (v12);  £5,431,384,920; 1,410/1,438  98%;   603/  798  76%; +£122,174,537;  £84,961/£344,923  25%;       798; 153,101; 1.7.2
SynTrans          (v15);    £353,313,130; 1,646/3,060  54%;   347/  357  97%;  +£43,817,427;  £14,319/£173,477   8%;       347; 126,275; 1.6.1
Terron           (v209);  £3,343,958,431;   683/  715  96%;   226/  235  96%;  +£76,874,360; £107,517/£229,994  47%;       235; 327,125; 1.6.1
TracAI             (v1);    £424,021,661;    42/   44  95%;    43/  505   9%;   +£5,653,385; £128,486/£346,075  37%;       505;  11,195; 1.6.1
Trans         (v130722);  £1,033,518,070; 1,351/1,610  84%;   151/  155  97%;  +£18,746,542;  £11,644/£101,009  12%;       155; 120,945; 1.6.1
WormAI             (v6);  £3,315,248,661;   351/  352 100%;    97/  102  95%;  +£79,425,369; £225,640/£487,525  46%;       102; 778,680; 1.6.1
WormAI             (v7);  £3,881,579,846;   380/  391  97%;    95/  100  95%;  +£76,798,274; £196,415/£484,851  41%;       100; 767,982; 1.7.2
WrightAI           (v3);  £1,736,378,028;   435/  458  95%;   173/  524  33%;  +£31,668,150;  £69,144/£277,091  25%;       524;  60,435; 1.6.1
[+] Spoiler
AdmiralAI v25, 1.6.1

AIAI v97, 1.6.1

Chopper v10, 1.6.1

CluelessPlus v37, 1.6.1

CluelessPlus v38, 1.7.2

DictatorAI v183, 1.6.1

MpAI v1, 1.7.2

NoCAB v499, 1.6.1

NoNoCAB v3, 1.6.1

NoNoCAB v5, 1.7.2

Rythorn Airline AI v3, 1.6.1

SimpleAI v10, 1.6.1

SimpleAI v12, 1.7.2

SynTrans v15, 1.6.1

Terron v209, 1.6.1

TracAI v1, 1.6.1

Trans v130722, 1.6.1

WormAI v6, 1.6.1

WormAI v7, 1.7.2

WrightAI v3, 1.6.1

EDIT: Added AIAI v97, updated savegames, updated score presentation, updated parameter presentation. Still missing AIAI screenshots.
EDIT2: Added AIAI v97 screenshots.
EDIT3: Added 1.7.2 tests: CluelessPlus v38, HeliFerry v3, LuDiAI v1, MpAI v1, NoNoCAB v5, SimpleAI v12, SnakeAI v6, WormAI v7. Updated result summary and parameter summary with the OpenTTD version used for testing.
EDIT4: Updated savegames while adding OpenTTD version used for testing.
EDIT5: Added screenshots: CluelessPlus v38, MpAI v1, NoNoCAB v5, SimpleAI v12, WormAI v7
Aircraft AI Competition Part
Savegames for AdmiralAI v25, 1.6.1, AIAI v97, 1.6.1, Chopper v10, 1.6.1, CluelessPlus v37, 1.6.1, CluelessPlus v38, 1.7.2, DictatorAI v183, 1.6.1, MpAI v1, 1.7.2, NoCAB v499, 1.6.1
(23.68 MiB) Downloaded 128 times
Aircraft AI Competition Part
Savegames for Trans v130722, 1.6.1, WormAI v6, 1.6.1, WormAI v7, 1.7.2, WrightAI v3, 1.6.1
(10.43 MiB) Downloaded 121 times
Aircraft AI Competition Part
Savegames for NoNoCAB v3, 1.6.1, NoNoCAB v5, 1.7.2, Rythorn Airline AI v3, 1.6.1, SimpleAI v10, 1.6.1, SimpleAI v12, 1.7.2, SynTrans v15, 1.6.1, Terron v209, v1.6.1, TracAI v1, 1.6.1
(22.73 MiB) Downloaded 128 times
Last edited by xarick on 28 Feb 2018 23:30, edited 10 times in total.
Formerly known as Samu
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Re: Aircraft AI Competition

Post by Wormnest »

Thanks for another extensive test.
Nice to see that WormAI has good performance per airplane although I need to check why it doesn't have more airplanes.
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Joined: 12 May 2013 22:28
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Re: Aircraft AI Competition

Post by HGus »

1k+ airports! Can humans beat AdmiralAI in fair play?
Posts: 25
Joined: 07 Apr 2014 05:26

Re: Aircraft AI Competition

Post by dequire »

Very interesting topic! Thanks for testing.
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