Names of settlements are written in the national language of this country, where is situated the settlement. In Denmark - in Danish language, in Sweden - in Swedish language.
Enjoy the game

Map and Towns: GRF's: Industry - FIRS 2.1.1, Cities - Swedish Houses Set 1.1.2.
The main set trains: 2cc Trains In NML 2.0-alpha1 and Dutch Traiset 2.1.0.
Railway tracks - FRISS - Rail Infrastructure 1.0.0.
Road: ARRS 2.0
Bridges: Total Bridge Renewal Set 1.2 .
Update (07.06.2016):
A new scenario - Denmark-1.scn. (version 1.1) (Denmark, southern Sweden) (available on Bananas too! ).
- The increase in the number of resources on farms
- Adjusted the snow line in January (Value - the snow is almost everywhere)