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Cargo stations

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 01:55
by skorpyo
I chose the Midwest 1955 to begin. When I try and build a cargo station it says nothing accepted no matter where I try and put it? Do I have to have trucks first or what?

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 02:14
by Australian Made
nope, if it doesn't accept anything then remove the cargo bay and put it somewhere else that does.

Posted: 12 Sep 2004 03:23
by skorpyo
thats the problem. No matter where I tried to put it it said accepting nothing. I tried on the end of the road nearest to the oil fields and then tried every darn road on the whole map

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 00:00
by SirLamer
Something that will accept products must be within the blue catchment area of the station when you place it down. Remember that for food, goods and passengers, the town buildings each only contribute a fractional amount to each type, and enough buildings must add up to 1 or greater for it to accept that type. Hover the cursor over buildings to see what I mean.

Posted: 13 Sep 2004 16:52
by Oracle
Remember that it doesn't need to accept something to allow you to transport it if you are at the source industry. Just build it next to the oil wells/rig, build another next to the refinery and start your transport link!