As you all have noticed the trunk now has capabilities to load 32bpp graphics.NOTE! This thread is a compilation of many "general" sort of organization discussion threads. Therefore topics of conversation may sometimes change abruptly or overlap. Still, it is advisable for aspiring contributors to read through this thread before making suggestions or changes.
Also, allot of 32bpp sprites have already been made by people, or are under construction.
The questions now are: what sprites have been done? Who made what?
And most important of all: WHERE ARE THEY!
Now, TrueBrain wants to make a site where all the currently available 8bpp sprites in the game are listed, together with user made 32bpp sprites.
That way there will be a central place on where to find the 32bpp sprites and users will be able to vote for their favorites, give comments and upload their own work.
Making that system isn't that hard, but we need guidelines to make it work, and that is where the hard part begins.
Which guidelines do there have to be to get sprites of good quality and fit in with each other?
Since you guys are the ones who know how to make the graphics, you will probably be the ones to know which guidelines should be set to keep things in order.
I'm talking about standardized materials, certain color pallets, width, height, zoom levels, ...
If you have a good insight in this, please post a list of what YOU think is important to have as a rule to get good quality sprites.
when we have a good list we can start making the system and who knows, we might get a full 32bpp sprite set to hand out with the main game in the near future .