[OTTD] OpenGFX releases - Graphics Replacement Project

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[OTTD] OpenGFX releases - Graphics Replacement Project

Post by FooBar »

OpenGFX Graphics Replacement Project
This topic is intended for all GPL releases of OpenGFX. Please use this topic for release-related things and bugreports only. Development related things should go here.

Latest Release
Preferentially get OpenGFX via ingame content download. You'll find it in the section "base graphics" which can only be accessed from the main menu's online content. Additionally, releases are also available for download at:

Nightly Builds
Every evening around 18:18 CEST a new build of OpenGFX is created automatically (if there's something new that is). Unlike stable releases these builds aren't tested to see if they work, but if a nightly doesn't work, it doesn't break anything either. Keep a stable or working nightly sitting in the /data dir and just delete a broken nightly to get OpenGFX working again.

OpenGFX is licensed under the General Public License version 2.0.

Everything else you need to know is available in the OpenGFX Readme. Read that first before asking for help in this topic.

Some sprites are still missing from the current release. Missing graphics will show up as black rectangles in the game (as shown in the screenshot below). Please do not report those rectangles as bugs, they're features. If you think you've found a bug, please check if it has been reported already in the Issue Tracker. If not, either add a description of the bug there or in this topic.
Intro screen using 0.1.0-alpha5
Intro screen using 0.1.0-alpha5
opengfx.png (179.9 KiB) Viewed 95173 times
Last edited by FooBar on 19 Sep 2010 13:31, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by FooBar »

Hi everyone!

I just finished the very first GPL release of the OpenGFX replacement set. For that occasion I decided to open a brand new topic; that way we can development and distribution related issues seperated.

Some of you might remember that I started saying "you can expect the very first GPL release within the next few days". Those days turned out to be weeks because working on getting everything together in it's final format revealed all those small things which I valued to be necessary to be added to the set before releasing it. Amongst those small things were things like the owned land sign, finishing the docks, adding the streetlights, drawing the autorail sprites, drawing some new one-way road sprites and the like.
With those things out of the way, I think I came up with a release worth releasing.

And because I'm having dinner now, I'm going to finish this post right after that :P

EDIT: I'm back, let's see what I was saying...

Oh yes, since toyland is far from complete, I did not bother to include every toyland related sprite we currently have available; that will be done in one of the future versions. The other three climates are largely done; the general things missing are a bunch of buildings, the monolev enginges and -wagons and the African manager faces.

Here's the first GPL'ed release. Have fun!
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Last edited by FooBar on 21 Oct 2008 16:35, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by orudge »

Looking forward to it! :D
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by Digitalfox »

congratulations to everyone involved in this project...
Ps: sorry if any mispelled words, but writing this in iphone is pretty hard..
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by CommanderZ »

Sweet :)

This is a big day in the history of OTTD.
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by obi »

Than you very much for this effort !
I am trying to run openttd without non-GPL files using your alpha package, and got bitten by the

Code: Select all

Error: Cannot open file 'sample.cat'
message. A quick find shows that this file is nowhere to be found and is actually part of the original game files. What is this file for ? Is there a free-as-in-speech version of it ? Is it really required ? Is there an initiative to get a GPL version of it ?
I really look forward having a complete playable openttd package in most Linux distros.
Cheers !
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by FooBar »

The sample.cat file usually contains the sound effects. IIRC, it suffices to create an empty sample.cat file, but ofcourse you will not get the sound effects with that. So that would be your free as in 'free beer' version of that. There is a sound effect replacement project though, but that doesn't have anything in a releasable state though.

I'll provide a blank sample.cat file in the next release of OpenGFX. This next release is due shortly because I came across some bugs...
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by obi »

OK a simple touch ~/openttd/sample.cat solved the problem.
Thank you very much !
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by belugas »

An empty sample.cat file WILL cause desyncs, when played with certain grfs.
You have been warned
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by DeletedUser21 »


:bow: Congratulations! A few more sprites to go and BOOM! :D
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by FooBar »

I'm proud to announce a new release, only two days after the previous. This new release features a few bugfixes and a bunch of new graphics. For more information see the changelog below. This new release is really worth upgrading because it adds those small things missing from Alpha 1.0. All those small additions make this release a new milestone: there's only three things needed to complete the 'normal' climates: the african manager faces, the monolev vehicles and a bunch of buildings. All other sprites are finished for those climates!
changelog wrote: New since Alpha 1.0:
- Waypoint alignment
- White line next to a pbs semaphore

- High score chart
- Game end newspapers
- Road reconstruction bulldozer
- All different smokes (steam, diesel, powerplant, breakdown)
- Explosions
- Remaining disaster vehices (ufo, submarine)
Available under GPL v2.0
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by Digitalfox »

Well done Foobar :bow:

Thank you for keeping OpenGFX project alive :D
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by obi »

Yay, smoke ! Thank you, that was the most annoying thing in the game...
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by RMJ »

Really amazing how far this has come :) big thanks to all people who made this possible :bow:
Feel free to join my server on its coop, meaning 1 company to dominate the whole map :) its more random and not as pro as the Openttd Coop guys.
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by belugas »

I gave it a try the week.
I'm really amazed how good it looks, but I have to admit, there is that problem I have: it' way too dark. It felt as if it was right before night comes in.
Is it my imagination?
If you are not ready to work a bit for your ideas, it means they don't count much for you.
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by FooBar »

That's quite common for people who switch from the default to the OpenGFX, but I've experienced that you'll get used to that quite quickly. The terrain is a few shades darker than the TTD terrain; and because terrain is everywhere it makes everything look darker. Go ahead and play with OpenGFX for a few hours and see for yourself.
Or change your display brightness setting :lol:

I'm glad you like it!
Digitalfox wrote:Thank you for keeping OpenGFX project alive
Well, it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it :wink:
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by buttercup »

Edit: Wrong thread (was regarding fonts, which have been changed now anyway)
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Re: [8bpp] Graphics Replacement Project - OpenGFX GPL Releases

Post by orb »


I've searched forum if it was reported before in any OpenGFX related thread, and I didn't find, so I report it here:

BUG:There is wrong button graphics in GUI - sub-tropical scenario editor land generation window - "define desert area" button is using graphics same as "place rocky area" button, as shown below:
OpenGFX: sub-tropical scenario editor land generation window - wrong desert icon sprite
OpenGFX: sub-tropical scenario editor land generation window - wrong desert icon sprite
LandGen-OpenGFX.png (2.54 KiB) Viewed 137329 times
Maybe it was intended, but IMO it should look something alike that from original graphics set:
Same window using original graphics set - for comparison
Same window using original graphics set - for comparison
LandGen-original.png (2.51 KiB) Viewed 137375 times
Last edited by Raichase on 01 Nov 2008 10:50, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Removed red colour - makes for easier reading
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