Changes in recent releases
*version 1.5.2*
Fix: mining trucks now refit to clay (Eddi)
*version 1.5.1*
- Adjust speed of some trams from 17mph to 20mph for better game balance.
- Increased costs of Afonside tram for better game balance.
- Increased loading speed of Dynamo tram a litle.
- Fix potential source of OpenTTD crash by disabling auto-refit for trams that can change length.
- Fix Dynamo tram showing no wagon graphics for some cargos.
- Fix railmotor trams were not loading; railmotor trams were incorrectly refitting to PAX in some cases.
- Added Chemnitz 0-6-0 tram (steam tram, available 1880). Graphics: DanMacK.
- Added Afonside 0-6-6-0 tram (steam tram, available 1885). Graphics: DanMacK+
- Added Kassel 0-8-0 tram (steam tram, available 1898). Graphics: DanMacK.
- Tweaked the intro dates and other properties of some trams for game balance.
- Enhanced cargo graphic support for trams (steel, paper, lumber).
- Enable auto-refit compatibility for most vehicles.
- Improved order of buy menu when sorted by ID.
- Fix display of capacity in buy menu for trams.
- Fix tractive effort for Dynamo tram to reflect that trailers are powered.
- Fix articulated mining trucks showing wrong sprites for cargos (e.g. clay).
- Fix some trams were using wrong sprites for some angles.
- Fix Ishizuchi tram was way too cheap to buy.
- Lots of internal changes to make HEQS easier to maintain, and prepare for grfv8.
- Fix Dynamo tram being unable to load any cargo into first vehicle.
- Fix unwanted extra refits in trams.
- Remove code that showed correct capacity for trams in buy menu, but caused extra refits to appear.
- Unified all cargo subtypes for trams ('short', 'medium', 'long') - helps auto-replace do a better job.
- Added Dynamo express cargo tram (electric tram, available 2009). 60t-225t capacity.
- Added Mackenzie Logging truck (available 1992). 141t capacity.
- Adjusted Yonkers Railmotor intro date to 1875 for game balance reasons.
- Added better readme text, for use with in-game readme display feature.
- Fix buy menu display of capacity and costs for trams that refit to different capacities.
- Fix missing log loads for some tram wagons.
- Fix to Winterthur railmotor - using wrong sprite for | direction.
- Fix to colour of headlights for all vehicles.
- Fix incorrect use of text IDs for trams, was causing errors to be reported in recent version of OTTD.
- Fix lighting for Gmund Mog, all trams - was shaded with light from 2 o'clock, should be from approx 5 o'clock.
- Fix log trucks showing unneeded model year in buy menu.
- Changed all pcx files to png, makes no difference in game, but easier to work with.
- Added Winterthur Railmotor (electric tram, available 1912). 2t capacity.
- Added Port Jack Railmotor (electric tram, available 1926). 9t capacity.
- Reduced default running costs by 50% for better gameplay balance.
- Improve support for ECS limestone cargo.
- Fix date bug with Forklift.
- Fix Yonkers Railmotor was in wrong vehicle group (newgrf parameters).
- Added Williamette Forklift (available 1936). 1t, intended for feeder service (by request of Eddi).
- Added Yonkers Railmotor (steam tram, available 1890). Great for delivering FIRS Supplies.
- Improved various tram texts.
- Small adjustment to 45t Dorstfeld Tram running costs for fairness.
- Reduced tram lifespan a bit for game balance.
- Fix to some tram lengths to prevent weird appearance when queuing (patched by Eddi).
- Czech and Dutch translations for parameter menus.
- Vehicles in a range of sizes from 2t to 390t
- Nine enormous dump trucks (first one available around 1955)
- Two awesome log trucks (available around 1972)
- Ten powerful tractors and bulldozers (first one available around 1937)
- Two brawny Foundry Transporters (first one available around 1967)
- One handy hi-rail shunter (available around 1958)
- Three industrial trams (first one available around 1902)
- Full support for company colours
- Compatible with all industry sets / cargos
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HEQS code & graphics repository
HEQS is licensed under the GPL and can be modified or reused freely within the terms of the GPL license.
Repository includes fully commented NFO files. I hope this helps other people learn how to code newgrf sets

Nightly builds: