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Swedish town names

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 12:36
by potrzebie
This is my favourite game, but the Swedish city/town names are kind of ridiculous and not in a good way, it's just random combinations of the usual town- and made up words, and often the names become too long. I'm sure that the Swedish community can come up with more serious names if such a list isn't already available. Here's my contributions, one more serious and the other one less:

* Plog ("plough" in english)
* Underrede

Good things to combine to create a base of double names (but don't overdo them):

* Names of animals like "björn", "groda", "lo", "räv" or "älg".
* Names of metals like "guld", "järn" or "koppar".
* Forest, mountain and water related stuff, etc...

Anyway... if you go through a Swedish dictionary or pick one hundred random words from it, I suppose there are those that are good, neutral or bad for a town name, possibly as a conjugation/inflexion/whatever, or a part of the name.

More suggestion:

* Hundringen
* Låghoppa
* Näsrot
* Spring
* Wetterstrand

Re: Swedish town names

Posted: 23 Dec 2019 14:48
by kamnet
A town name set isn't very difficult to make. For simple ones it's merely a list of words that the game can randomly select as a town name. Nearly all of the "real" town name sets do this. Slightly more complicated are the sets that can psuedo-randomly create a new town name. You basically just make a list of prefixes and suffixes to attach to words and then create the rules such as when to attach or not attach a prefix or suffix, or limit how many words can be used.

You should check it out and give it a try yourself!

Re: Swedish town names

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:13
by potrzebie
So basically what you're saying is that this isn't of interest for anyone else, just me? There's no need to be condecending, I've been programming since I was ten years old, from assembler on C=64 to higher level language on modern computers.

Anyway, how about actual real names? Here's a complete list of Swedish towns/cities that I made for one of my games, scraped from Wikipedia and double checked with another source, if I remember correctly (it's was fifteen years ago). I'm sure that it will be of use:

Re: Swedish town names

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:45
by jfs
It's not really possible to change the built-in town name sets, because can break existing savegames, hence why kamnet suggests making a new one.

There is also already a Swedish Town Names NewGRF on Bananas, have you tried it?
Edit: I just tried it, and it's honestly not good at all.

Re: Swedish town names

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 11:36
by Chrill
The problem with Town Names is that you can of course have a list of cities (real cities) but you also need something to build your own names. You do this in pieces:

Little Hardingston sounds like a typical OpenTTD city. It consists of three pieces puzzled together by the game: Little, Harding, and Ston.

It's the same for the Swedish Town Set. It's a good set, in my eyes (and I'm very Swedish indeed), but on larger maps you just get a lot of stupid names in addition to the pretty good ones.

Of the list provided by OP, none really sound like Swedish places to me.

Re: Swedish town names

Posted: 25 Dec 2019 15:58
by jfs
Sure, the "fake" names the existing Swedish Town Names GRF generate are all reasonably sounding, the thing is just that it seems to only have a rather limited set of initial parts, which becomes very apparent when generating large maps.

Re: Swedish town names

Posted: 26 Dec 2019 19:18
by L. Spooner Inc
I was an administrator for a large LPmud a couple of decades ago, and coded a random name generator for NPCs. One of the tricks I used was to include a small chance of extra syllables with no hard limit so that occasionally you got names which broke simple patterns, and on rare occasions you got truly Brobdignagian names with lots of extra syllables which looked strange as hell. But this is not necessarily a bad thing, at least in terms of place names, since towns with names like Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch really do exist.