Dev - No auto-servicing when breakdown desactivated

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Dev - No auto-servicing when breakdown desactivated

Post by MagicBuzz »

I was trying to undertstand anything in the source code (I never writed a line of c :D) and I found the function that check is road vehicule needs servicing.

Code: Select all

static void CheckIfRoadVehNeedsService(Vehicle *v)
	int i;

	if (v->date_of_last_service + v->service_interval > _date)

	if (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED)
	// Don't interfere with a depot visit scheduled by the user, or a
	// depot visit by the order list.
	if ((v->next_order & OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_DEPOT &&
			(v->next_order & (OF_FULL_LOAD|OF_UNLOAD)) != 0)

	i = FindClosestRoadDepot(v);

	if (i < 0 || GetTileDist(v->tile, (&_depots[i])->xy) > 12) {
		if ((v->next_order & OT_MASK) == OT_GOTO_DEPOT) {
			v->next_order = OT_DUMMY;
			InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4);

	if (v->next_order == (OT_GOTO_DEPOT | OF_NON_STOP) && !CHANCE16(1,20))

	v->next_order = OT_GOTO_DEPOT | OF_NON_STOP;
	v->next_order_param = (byte)i;
	v->dest_tile = (&_depots[i])->xy;
	InvalidateWindowWidget(WC_VEHICLE_VIEW, v->index, 4);		
Can add these two lines at the begining of the function ?

Code: Select all

	/* disabled breakdowns? */
	if (_opt.diff.vehicle_breakdowns < 1)
And then, here is the CheckVehicleBreakdown() function (vehicule.c)
=> If no breakdown, then... Reliability is always 100% right ? So... Juste move the tow lines bellow "/* disabled breakdowns? */" to the begining of the function. It would save (a very few) CPU usage :)

Code: Select all

void CheckVehicleBreakdown(Vehicle *v)
	int rel, rel_old;
	uint32 r;
	int chance;

	/* decrease reliability */
	v->reliability = rel = max((rel_old = v->reliability) - v->reliability_spd_dec, 0);
	if ((rel_old >> 8) != (rel >> 8))
		InvalidateWindow(WC_VEHICLE_DETAILS, v->index);

	if (v->breakdown_ctr != 0 || (v->vehstatus & VS_STOPPED) != 0 ||
			v->cur_speed < 5 || _game_mode == GM_MENU)

	r = Random();

	/* increase chance of failure */
	chance = v->breakdown_chance + 1;
	if (CHANCE16I(1,25,r)) chance += 25;
	v->breakdown_chance = min(255, chance);

	/* calculate reliability value to use in comparison */
	rel = v->reliability;
	if (v->type == VEH_Ship) rel += 0x6666;
	/* disabled breakdowns? */
	if (_opt.diff.vehicle_breakdowns < 1)

	/* reduced breakdowns? */
	if (_opt.diff.vehicle_breakdowns == 1) rel += 0x6666;

	/* check if to break down */
	if (_breakdown_chance[(uint)min(rel, 0xffff) >> 10] <= v->breakdown_chance) {
		v->breakdown_ctr = (byte)(((r >> 16) & 0x3F) + 0x3F);
		v->breakdown_delay = (byte)(((r >> 24) & 0x7F) | 0x80);
		v->breakdown_chance = 0;
I didn't find the code for vehicule window to look if possible to remove the "servincing interval" line.

Should be same code for ships and airplanes.
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