I have been working on a for-now-landscape set for the last couple of -time- ... so here is a slight taster of what is coming (very soon) [in the next week or so].
RAWR Absolute World Replacement will feature all 4 climates interchangeably. This means you will be able to select sub-tropic climate for RAWR, generate your map in sub-arctic, and get tropic grass with desert on the mountains!
Furthermore, I have something very special planned for Toyland [basically making it look sane-ish], but that is probably in a bit futher future, getting other stuff done first.

There will be no functional features, only visual replacements so it can be turned into a base set eventually when I replace everything.
From the word Absolute, for now it is just landscape, might try to add roads even in version 0.0.1, with tracks and bridges following quickly too (with railtype tracks on PURR being developed on the side).
It should fit well with obviously YETI, the original base set, I am trying to get it nice with zbase a little bit, but that is tough because zbase looks quite "different". (politically correct expression)
A lot of things is very work in progress, but picturez follow...