The generic Road Vehicle and Tram Set, or GRVTS, provides generic road vehicles and trams for all climates, in dual company colours. Includes vehicles for 1950 to 2050 with standard, express and articulated vehicles. Includes generic support for newGRF cargoes.
Compatible with OpenTTD 0.6.0
Compatible with the later OpenTTD nightlys
NOT compatible with OpenTTD 0.5.X
Compatibility not fully tested in TTDPatch
Vehicle Summary:
5x Normal
4x Double-Decker
3x Articulated (1 trailer)
3x Express (coaches)
Heavy industry cargos (hopper, flatbed and tanker):
4x Normal
4x Articulated (1 trailer)
Light industry cargos (mail, box, armoured and refrigerated trucks):
5x Normal
3x Express
Passenger Trams:
5x Normal (some articulated)
3x Double decker (some articulated)
Cargo trams (mail, goods, sweets and food only):
4x Normal (some articulated)

The extended generic Road Vehicle and Tram Set, or eGRVTS, provides an extended set of 218 generic road vehicles and trams, for all climates, in dual company colours. Includes vehicles for 1800 to 2075 with standard, express, double-decker, articulated, horse-drawn and steam vehicles. Includes generic support for newGRF cargoes.
Compatible with OpenTTD nightlys r13850 and later
NOT compatible with OpenTTD 0.6.X
NOT compatible with TTDPatch
Vehicle Summary:
6x Horse-Drawn
3x Steam
9x Normal
6x Double-Decker
5x Articulated (1 trailer)
5x Express (coaches)
Heavy industry cargos (hopper, flatbed and tanker):
3x Horse-Drawn
3x Steam (except tanker)
8x Normal
5x Articulated (1 trailer)
5x Semi-Trailer
Light industry cargos (mail, box, armoured and refrigerated trucks):
3x Horse-Drawn (4x for mail)
8x Normal
4x Express
5x Semi-Trailer
Passenger Trams:
2x Horse-Drawn
2x Steam
9x Normal (some articulated)
6x Double decker (some articulated)
Cargo trams (mail, goods, sweets and food only):
2x Horse-Drawn
2x Steam
9x Normal (some articulated)
These sets are released under the latest version of the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike Creative Commons; ie:
Use and distribute freely for non-commercial purposes crediting me, Zephyris (Richard Wheeler), as the author with a link to this thread (https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=33415). Modifications and adaptations can be made so long as they credit me as the original author, are for non-commercial purposes and are released under the Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike Creative Commons license.