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Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 03 Mar 2024 03:10
by GarryG
Auz Conveyor Belts.
Created: 3rd March 2024.

About 4 years ago I started a Conveyor Belt road system.
I am remarking this set with improved graphics and adding cargos from other Industry sets that was made in last few years.

The original had 4 conveyor belts and graphics was terrible. I cut it down to 3 belts and improving the graphics. I might even just have the 2 belts. time will tell.

These are 2 of the belts I have improved the graphics to so far.
This one designed mainly for secondary Industries and warehouses. To carry cargos such as Food, Goods, Fruit, mail, packaging, wool bales, supplies, and things like that.
Concrete Base Conveyor Belts.png
Concrete Base Conveyor Belts.png (40.41 KiB) Viewed 3468 times
This one mainly for raw materials such as coal. ore, grains, timber, steel and other heavy type cargos.
Heavy Belts.png
Heavy Belts.png (44.32 KiB) Viewed 3468 times
tell you more later.

4th March 2024
Here some more information.

This is what some of the cargo will look like.
Some Cargo movers.png
Some Cargo movers.png (69.89 KiB) Viewed 3355 times
There cattle, pipes, vehicles, drums (for liquids), crates, and paper.

List of cargos I have added so far. If you find any I missing please let me know.

DIAM, // Diamonds
GOLD, // Gold
VALU, // Valuables

AORE, // Bauxite (Aluminium ore)
BEAN, // Beans/Hops
CASS, // Cassava
COAL, // Coal
COKE, // Coke
CORE, // Copper Ore
CTCD, // Cotton Candy (Candyfloss)
FECR, // Ferrochrome
GRAI, // Grain
GRVL, // Stone
IORE, // Iron Ore
LIME, // Lime stone
MAIZ, // Maize
MNO2, // Manganese
NICK, // Nickle
NITR, // Nitrate
PEAT, // Peat
PHOS, // Phosphate
PORE, // Pyrite Ore
RSGR, // Raw Sugar
SALT, // Salt
SAND, // Sand
SGBT, // Sugar beet
SLAG, // Slag
SOYA, // Soya Beans
SUGR, // Sugar
TOFF, // Toffee
WHEA, // Wheat
WSTE, // Waste

CLAY, // Clay
CMNT, // Cement
CERE, // Cereals
OLSD, // Oil seed
POTA, // Potash
QLME, // Quicklime
SASH, // Soda Ash

URAN, // Uranium

SULP, // Sulphur
KAOL, // Kaolin (China Clay)

SCMT, // Scrap Metal
SGCN, // Sugarcane

COTT, // Cotton
FERT, // Fertiliser
FICR, // Fibre crops/Cotton
HOPS, // Hops
RCYC, // Recyclables
RICE, // Rice
WDPR, // Wood Products

FURN, // Furniture
SEED, // Seed
CBLK, // Carbon Black

BEER, // Alcohol
COLA, // Cola

BAKE, // Flour

FRUT, // Fruit

GOOD, // Goods
SWET, // Sweets (Candy)

CHSE, // Cheese/Dairy Products
JUCE, // Fruit Juices
MILK, // Milk
PMIK, // Proccessed Milk

BOOM, // Explosives
EGGS, // Eggs
ENSP, // Engineering Supplies
FMSP, // Farm Supplies
FOWL, // Poutry
SESP, // Marine Supplies
JAVA, // Coffee/Eggs
MNSP, // Manufacturing Supplies/Packaging
VPTS, // Vehicle Parts
PFDS, // Processed Foods

FRVG, // Fruit (and optionally Vegetables)
MEAT, // Meat
OYST, // Oysters
TATO, // Potatos/Processed Foods

DYPT, // Dairy products
FISH, // Fish
FOOD, // Food
FZFD, // Frozen Foods
PMTS, // Processed Meats

OIL_, // Oil
PETR, // Petrol / Fuel Oil
PLST, // Plastic
RFPR, // Refined products/Chemicals
RUBR, // Rubber
WATR, // Water
O2__, // Oxygen

FUEL, // Natural Gas
ACID, // Acid
CHLO, // Chlorine
CTAR, // Coal Tar
LYE_, // Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)
NGAS, // Natural Gas
NH3_, // Ammonia

MAIL, // Mail
PCL_, // Parcels

OTI1, // Workers
OTI2, // Tourists
PASS, // Passengers
TOUR, // Tourists
YETI, // Workers, YETI dudes
YETY, // Tired Workers, Tired YETI dudes

SCRP, // Scrap Metal
SHEP, // Sheep
ALUM, // Aluminium
BASE, // Base Metal
BATT, // Batteries
BEEF, // Cattle
BRCK, // Bricks
BUBL, // Bubbles
CERA, // Ceramics
COPR, // Copper
COWS, // Cattle
CSTI, // Cast Iron
FZDR, // Fizzy Drinks
GALV, // Galvanised Steel
HOGS, // Pigs
IRON, // Pig Iron
LAMB, // Sheep
LVST, // Livestock
MERC, // Merchandise
METL, // Metal
PIGS, // Pigs
PIPE, // Pipe
PULP, // Pulpwood
STAL, // Alloy Steel
STCB, // Carbon Steel
STEL, // Steel
STSE, // Steel Sections
STSH, // Steel Sheet
STST, // Stainless Steel
STWR, // Steel Wire Rod
TOYS, // Toys
TWOD, // Tropic Wood
TYRE, // Tyres
VBOD, // Vehicle bodies
VENG, // Vehicle Engines
WOOD, // Wood
ZINC, // Zinc

MPTS, // Machine parts
DRAP, // Draper and Linen
TEXT, // Textile
BDMT, // Building Materials
WOOL, // Wool
POWR, // Electrical Parts
NUTS, // Nuts
PAPR, // Paper
ENUM, // Food_additives

PLAS, // Plastic
COAT, // Paints & Coatings
DYES, // Dyes
EOIL, // Edible Oil
SOAP, // Cleaning Agents/DETERGENTS

GLAS, // Glass
VEHI, // Vehicles

ELTR, // Electricity
GEAR, // Locomotive Gearing

At moment I have 4 speeds for these. But don't think we really need them to go tooo fast.

:Normal 20km/15mph {SILVER}(Default)
:Slow 40km/25mph
:Medium 60km/40mph
:Fast 100km/60mph

I think the last one could be removed.

Tell you more another day.

Cheers all

Re: Auz Convetor Belts

Posted: 03 Mar 2024 16:28
by belgi
I'm dumb! I don't know how it's supposed to work at all :(
But you will surely explain it to me later, my friend. Otherwise we are lost :shock: :lol:

Damn, what kind of idiots are they who haven't got your internet up and running yet! Tell them I'm coming to beat them all up if they don't get your internet back on ASAP! :mrgreen:

Re: Auz Convetor Belts

Posted: 03 Mar 2024 16:58
by Quast65
belgi wrote: 03 Mar 2024 16:28 I don't know how it's supposed to work at all :(
Basically they are just road/tramtypes and instead of vehicles you have crates and other things ;-)
GarryG wrote: 03 Mar 2024 03:15 (Excuse the spelling mistake .. blame the computers at the library :D :roll:
You can still change/repair the name of the topic by editing the first post ;-)

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 04 Mar 2024 23:05
by GarryG
Those who never tried conveyor belts .. andrew360 did some wider ones back in July 2020.
Crates On New Vehicle Expressways Yield Outrageous Riches But Exhaust Less Toxic Smog

Then kamnet suggested a scaled down version so that what I had a go at doing.

It was my intentions today to upload my old versions so players could try .. but had a power blackout at home so not able to save them to a USB stick to bring to library.

Hope upload he old versions tomorrow.

No idea when new versions be available as still working on the cargos.


Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 08 Mar 2024 23:12
by GarryG
Slight change of plans.

Making these Conveyor Belts Eye Candy Tram Tracks. This will allow a variety of belts. Some will have fences and lights.

This image will give you an idea.
Eye Candy Trams Conveyor Belts.png
Eye Candy Trams Conveyor Belts.png (56.88 KiB) Viewed 3146 times
Tell you more later next week.


Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 09 Mar 2024 09:29
by Quast65
It would be handy for those who are running into the 64-max of road/tramtypes to have each variant activated via parameter :bow:

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 09 Mar 2024 22:12
by RoyalExamination9410
GarryG wrote: 08 Mar 2024 23:12 Slight change of plans.

Making these Conveyor Belts Eye Candy Tram Tracks. This will allow a variety of belts. Some will have fences and lights.

This image will give you an idea.
Eye Candy Trams Conveyor Belts.png

Tell you more later next week.

So you can mix and match between a conveyor belt and the streetlights/trees of your eyecandy tram tracks?

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 10 Mar 2024 02:48
by GarryG
Quast65 wrote: 09 Mar 2024 09:29 It would be handy for those who are running into the 64-max of road/tramtypes to have each variant activated via parameter
That might be ok but if some one might want use near the industry and not need lights and fences at the start, but when they extend the belt across country then might want he lights and/or fences.

Definitely like have a set with out lights and fences. and maybe a second set when have choices, between lights and fences.
RoyalExamination9410 wrote: 09 Mar 2024 22:12 So you can mix and match between a conveyor belt and the streetlights/trees of your eyecandy tram tracks?
Hope to make them to work that way.

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 11 Mar 2024 23:07
by GarryG
Looking at changing some of the crat cargos by having pallets when they are empty.

Cargos for belts.

Experimenting with different cargos to use on the belts.

This image will give you some ideas.
Cargos.png (4.78 KiB) Viewed 2911 times
Top left: Crates when empty can be a pallet and then be a crate when loaded.
Middle Left: Metal cages to carry mail and parcels.
Bottom left: For fruit and vegetables. I have picked onions and potatoes and we places these in open crates.

Top right: Long pallets with sides for carring scrap, waste and recyclables.
Middle Right: Long Pallets with sides with tarpaulines.
Bottom Right: For Coal, ore and other raw materials. There are several differeent colours to suit the cargos.

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 12 Mar 2024 00:54
by belgi
GarryG wrote: 11 Mar 2024 23:07 Looking at changing some of the crat cargos by having pallets when they are empty.

Cargos for belts.

Experimenting with different cargos to use on the belts.

This image will give you some ideas.
Top left: Crates when empty can be a pallet and then be a crate when loaded.
Middle Left: Metal cages to carry mail and parcels.
Bottom left: For fruit and vegetables. I have picked onions and potatoes and we places these in open crates.

Top right: Long pallets with sides for carring scrap, waste and recyclables.
Middle Right: Long Pallets with sides with tarpaulines.
Bottom Right: For Coal, ore and other raw materials. There are several differeent colours to suit the cargos.

I also thought of trash cans and garbage containers. A landfill would probably have to be created where the waste would be taken. And also the objects that would create it...

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it goes well and you finally have internet at home! :wink:

I wish you a nice day!

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 12 Mar 2024 23:08
by GarryG
Been experimenting with covered belts for coal and ore and other minerals.

The buildings on junctions and corners just to show what I plane to do.

Possible use different buildings to these. the building on its own top left

The silo on top right going to see if can design something similar for a depot and for it to be able to join the Auz Object Industry bits.

Only problem with these is not see your cargo moving on the belts.

Got to go now.

Got no idea where I be internetting from tomorrow.

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 13 Mar 2024 15:25
by Quast65
Why not make the roofs (partly) see-thru then?
To me (and I stress that this may be personal taste), i think using those big buildings on the junctions/corners is a bit too much...

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 13 Mar 2024 22:56
by GarryG
Quast65 wrote: 13 Mar 2024 15:25 Why not make the roofs (partly) see-thru then?
Might be a good idea leave gaps on roof as if they are skylights.

Those big buildings are just to give idea that something could be placed were the belts junction. still need my thinking cap on longer to see what I can come up with.

Be good when I have internet on at home again so can do some Google Earths and get some ideas.

There is also one of these coal conveyor belts that pass under the railway line between Dora Creek and Awaba which runs from a coal mine to a power station. Might need do a train ride and see if I can get a photo or 3.


Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 14 Mar 2024 22:04
by Aegir
I think I almost like those covered designs more than the others. They look superb, can't wait to put them into one of my games.

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 14 Mar 2024 22:39
by GarryG
Aegir wrote: 14 Mar 2024 22:04 I think I almost like those covered designs more than the others. They look superb, can't wait to put them into one of my games
Glad you like. I think if I made them a fairly fast speed only need to create a few cargos transport for coal or other minerals and they then should work will. Just need o see what I can do with quast65 idea making them see through.


Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 14 Mar 2024 23:06
by Quast65
GarryG wrote: 14 Mar 2024 22:39 Just need o see what I can do with quast65 idea making them see through.
You can offer that also as a separate design (still hope you are going to use parameters to turn them on or off)

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 14 Mar 2024 23:15
by GarryG
Quast65 wrote: 14 Mar 2024 23:06 You can offer that also as a separate design (still hope you are going to use parameters to turn them on or off)
That be a good idea so players can choose if want the see through roofs or not.

Also wondering since these covered bets would be better using train coding so that the belts can be singly in middle of tile so look better at junctions with a small building. Players would need 2 tracks one for loaded cargo and one for empty and also need to figure out signaling. I hope look at that idea eventually.

Cheers all

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 14 Mar 2024 23:26
by GarryG
still visiting library. Internet provider was suppose to arrive on Tuesday and did not and now they tell the owner of the place I live that it be connected now on April 10. They first promised connecting February 14, then March 12 and now April 10. :evil: Yet they have already deducted 2 months rent from the owners bank account for a service they have not yet provided. so owner be contacting them today to warn them if we not connected very soon he will take legal action against them.

am I allowed to tell Australians the name of this Internet Company? When you sign up with them they disconnect your previous provider before they connect their service. So been with out internet at home now since February 9.

This is my days visiting the library:

My day at the Library.

I live at Killingworth NSW.
I Walk out the front door at 7.55 and walk 350 meters to bus stop.
Bus comes at 8:15 takes me to place called Glendale arrive 8:52.
Connects with another bus at Glendale that takes me to Wallsend arriving at 9:15.
Library opens at 9:30
If I only spend an hour on internet at library I can then get the 10:55 bus back to Glendale arrive 11:17.
They get the bus at 11:22 for the journey home arrive 11:48 the walk 350 meters to my home.
Arrive home around midday. Wasting 4 hour of my day.

If I stay longer on internet at library and I miss the 10:55 bus then I don't get me for 2 hours later as next bus from Glendale to home isn't until 1:22 pm.

By time I get home I don't really feel like coding and drawings finding it hard at times to concentrate on what I doing.


I thought best I removed the internet providers name so not get admin and the guys who run the TT-Forums in trouble.


Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 15 Mar 2024 03:50
by JohnFranklin523
GarryG wrote: 14 Mar 2024 23:26 I live at Killingworth NSW.
I Walk out the front door at 7.55 and walk 350 meters to bus stop.
Bus comes at 8:15 takes me to place called Glendale arrive 8:52.
Connects with another bus at Glendale that takes me to Wallsend arriving at 9:15.
Library opens at 9:30
If I only spend an hour on internet at library I can then get the 10:55 bus back to Glendale arrive 11:17.
They get the bus at 11:22 for the journey home arrive 11:48 the walk 350 meters to my home.
Arrive home around midday. Wasting 4 hour of my day.

If I stay longer on internet at library and I miss the 10:55 bus then I don't get me for 2 hours later as next bus from Glendale to home isn't until 1:22 pm.
According to Google Maps, you can save 5 minutes of commuting if you choose a different library.
Speers Point Library is located at a seaside village called Speers Point and near a park and some stadiums. The seaside scenery may relax your mind and give you new feelings (and ideas :D )
By bus, you can arrive at 9:10. It also has PC and internet services, and opens earlier, at 9:00.

Never been to Australia, let alone Newcastle. My words are for reference only :lol:

Re: Auz Conveyor Belts

Posted: 15 Mar 2024 13:24
by kamnet
GarryG wrote: 14 Mar 2024 23:26 am I allowed to tell Australians the name of this Internet Company? It called Super Loop. When you sign up with them they disconnect your previous provider before they connect their service. So been with out internet at home now since February 9.
I'm guessing that the Internet service itself is deregulated and separate from the company that provides the infrastructure/wire into the home?