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Station signs have disappeared

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 09:36
by Emrock
I've been using the android app for Open ttd for the last few weeks without issue, then last night spent sometime tweaking the newgrf settings and advanced rules. Now it seems that all the station signs have vanished, and nothing I try will bring them back.
So far I have checked:
Transparency settings (all normal)
Disabled all new grfs
And looked in the advanced rules but can't see anything that would affect it

Can anyone helps?

Re: Station signs have disappeared

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 09:40
by Dave
The station signs visibility is managed in the transparency menu by the first button (which uses the sign icon from the main menu bar). You might need to click a couple of times as it's my understanding that there's more than one option. I don't know of any grf that disables station signs.

Whether this is something that is different on the Android App, I couldn't tell you - pelya is the man to ask.

Re: Station signs have disappeared

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 09:45
by Emrock
Tried that. All the transparency settings are set to visible, yet station signs do not show.

Re: Station signs have disappeared

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 09:48
by Emrock
Fixed. I had unchecked station signs. D'oh

Re: Station signs have disappeared

Posted: 27 Aug 2014 11:53
by Dave
Never mind haha. At least you've fixed it!