Stealing my business

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Stealing my business

Post by EvilHomer »

I had a very successful train line with two trains carrying rubber. I had lots of rubber waiting at station and constant pickups. It was all going well. Then a new company started up in town. It placed a truck depot near to my train stations and built a road folling my train route. Suddenly overnight the rubber plantation is using them instead of me even though I deliver over 70% and the local authority rates my company as very good ....... How can I stop this bas*ard from stealing my business?
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Re:Stealing my business

Post by orudge »

Well, you can either buy the company, or you can build a piece of railway line over one of their roads, then build another one, then build a depot. Buy a cheap train, set it off, and stop it just as the lights start flashing on the road. Reverse the direction of the train, and send it to the depot. The lights should still be flashing. Sell the train, and destroy the depot and the piece of rail going to it, but not the one on the road. The AI's road vehicles will not be able to pass the rail, and will start to break down and lose money.
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Re:Stealing my business

Post by quantum »

Try clicking on the competitor's station, and see what their rating is (click on the "ratings" tab). Now click on yours and see what your rating is - the one with the higher rating (even if it's only a really small difference!) gets almost all the rubber! So you need to increase your rating... use faster trains, more of them etc etc...

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Re:Stealing my business

Post by orudge »

You could also use what's known as a "piglet". Attach a lorry bay to the railway station, build a piece of road, and then place a road vehicle depot. Build a rubber truck, then set it's orders to go to "<blah blah station>", then "<blah blah station> (Unload)". Set it off. It won't make any money, but it will keep your rating high.

Post by merlin_the_magician »

Build a piece of road over your compatitors railway, and get a cheap road vehicle to stop on the crossroad. The train will crach into the vehicle. Mostly, these trains are not to be replaced.

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