Help it wont full screen
Help it wont full screen
i have verson 86.07.1, and it won't FULL SCREEN! and yes i changed the value in the config to 1
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# Low-Level values and constants
# author: Hj. Malthaner <>
# date: 22-Sep-02
# update: 17-Sep-03 Hj. Malthaner: added maintenance costs
# update: 14-Jan-04 Hj. Malthaner: added intercity roads
# update: 12-Feb-04 Hj. Malthaner: added display size and default
# pak file path
# update: 15-Feb-04 T. Kubes - formed 128x128
# update: 31-Jul-04 Hj. Malthaner: added show_names, timeline parameters
# update: 07-Aug-04 T. Kubes: Added 84.14 control entries.
# update: 27-Msy-05 T. Kubes: Added 85.8.03 control entries. (from Prissi)
# update: 03-Oct-05 T. Kubes: Added 86.10.1 control entries. (from Prissi)
#################################program stuff##################################
# max number of stations
stations = 8192
# max number of convoys (i.e. train or truck with trailer or single truck)
convoys = 8192
# max number of rail blocks
railblocks = 8192
# maximum number of position tested during a way search
# 100000 should be ok even for large maps with ships
# 10000 is ok for everything else (consumer 16*x Bytes main memory)
max_route_steps = 1000000
# size of catchment area of a station (default 2)
# older game size was 3
# savegames with another catch area will be unloadable
station_coverage = 2
# allow all possible supplier to connect to your factories?
# This will also affect savegames!
# best to leave it in default position. (only on for simuTTD)
#crossconnect_factories = 0
# Max number of steps in goods pathfinding
# This should be equal or greater than the biggest group
# of interconnected stations in your game.
# If you set it too low, some goods might not find a route
# if the route is too complex. If you set it too high, the
# search will take a lot of CPU power, particularly if searches
# often fail because there is no route.
# Depending on your CPU power, you might want to limit the search
# depth.
# 300 seems to be a good compromise for most games. 100 is ok for
# small games. 8000 should suffice for even the largest maps, but
# will take a good amount of CPU time if you have complex transport
# networks. Max. allowed value is 9994.
# T. Kubes: 1000 should be enough even for biggest games I have seen so far.
max_hops = 1000
# Passengers and goods will change vehicles at most "max_transfer"
# times to reach their destination.
# It seems that in good networks, the number of transfers is below
# 5. I think 6 is a good compromise that allows complex networks but
# cuts off the more extreme cases
# You can set this lower to save a little bit of CPU time, but at some
# point this measn you'll get less passengers to transport
# T. Kubes: I would say 8 for now, but this definitely should be difficulty
# dependent setting.
max_transfers = 7
##################################display stuff#################################
# should grounds be animated (setting to 0 will turn ground animations
# off and save some little bit of CPU time. Set to 1 to turn animation on.)
# Impact on frame time: ~4%
animated_grounds = 0
# Do you want to have random pedestrians in town? Look nice but needs some
# CPU time to process them. (1=on, 0=off)
# Impact on frame time: ~10% (16 cities on a new standard map)
random_pedestrians = 1
# Show info windows for private cars and pedestrians?
# (1=on, 0=off)
pedes_and_car_info = 0
# (=1) drive on the left side of the road
drive_left = 0
# Show infos on trees?
# (1=on, 0=off)
tree_info = 1
# Show passenger level of townhalls?
# (1=on, 0=off)
townhall_info = 0
# After how many tiles a citycar breaks (and will be forever gone) ...
# (How many tiles can a simutrans car go, before it forever breaks ...)
# Answer about 2500 per year (depends on speed), default 35000
# default (100000) is equal to 40 years.
citycar_life = 30000
# Should stations get numbered names? (1=yes, 0=no)
numbered_stations = 0
# Should month be shown in date? (1=yes, 0=no)
show_month = 1
# Show name signs and statistic?
# 0 = don't show anything
# 1 = station names
# 2 = statistics
# 3 = names and statistics
show_names = 3
###################################money stuff##################################
# Starting money of the player. Given in Credit cents (1/100 Cr)
starting_money = 30000000
# Maintenance costs of buildings
maintenance_building = 1800
# Maintenance costs of overhead wires (electrified railroads)
maintenance_overhead = 150
###################################game stuff###################################
# Enforce vehicle introduction dates?
# 0 = all vehicles available from start of the game
# 1 = use introduction dates
use_timeline = 1
# Starting year of the game:
# Setting it below 1930 is not recommended!
# You will have problems with missing vehicles, do not complain if you do so!
# Setting it above 2040 will render game bit boring - no new vehicles.
starting_year = 1930
###################################other stuff##################################
# Max. length of intitial intercity road connections
# If you want to speed up map creation, lower this value
# If you want more initial intercity roads, raise this value
# 8000 seems to be a good compromise between speed and road number
# T. Kubes: 128x128 can use more roads to save player some money.
intercity_road_length = 32000
# Type of initial intercity roads - must be available
# as PAK file. Fallback (if PAK is not found) is "asphalt_road"
intercity_road_type = cobblestone_road
# Type of city roads - must be available as PAK file.
# Fallback (and default) is "city_road"
#city_road_type = city_road
# compress savegames?
# "binary" means uncompressed, "zipped" means compressed
saveformat = zipped
# autosave every x months (0=off)
autosave = 6
# display (screen/window) width
# also see readme.txt, -screensize option
# display_width = 1008
# display (screen/window) height
# also see readme.txt, -screensize option
# display_height = 720
# show full screen
fullscreen = 1
# Default pak file path
#pak_file_path = pak.japan/
pak_file_path = pak128/
Not sure if it matters but has 2 spaces before the =-sign.
Code: Select all
# display_width = 1008
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