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Post by prissi »

Ok, here it is, Simutrans with TTD graphics. The only execptions are skins from Hajo (diolog background) and light rail sprites from Brennhardt, Smoke from Singaporekid and a petrol station from Zimmlock. Since all other graphics are from TTD, also the source for this set is included (including a semiautomatic nfo/pcx to dat/png converter program). ... Windows exe ... Graphics, extract to same location as above executable. ... Source images, need trg1r.nfo/pcx, trgcr.nfo/pcx and dsw-b80c.nfo/pcx to create vehicles.

The menus got new graphics, but the layout is still Simutrans. Thus, stations are built tile by tile, tracks are aid by clicking on start and end location, ... Also city growth need covering your cities well. You can show/switch off coverage display by 'v'.

All good (in the moment coal, oil and gasoline) can transfer up to 9 times. However, they will only start to travel, if the entire route is complete.

AI are switched on/off via the dialog that pops up by 'k'. Using 'P' you can also "take over" an AI company. The key '#' is non-functional and will cause drawing errors (press again to vanish).

This is an early preview. Especially the maintainace values and the incomes are not balanced yet.

Have fun.
Last edited by prissi on 10 Oct 2005 19:48, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Singaporekid »

Very nice, I like it very much :)
There's a few glitches though, the cursor, smoke and steam are displayed a bit too high
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Post by eis_os »

May I ask, is there a big change in codebase to support SimuTTD or can features between Simutrans and this be exchanged easy?

You need to rename pak.ttd to pak otherwise simu can't start...

The ttd like cursor in window mode doesn't follow the black simu cursor, it's below, but it looks like the TTD cursor is the right one...

Makeobj doesn't work, it crashes with a access violation:

.. simuttd\simuttd-graphics-src\ttdx-set\tools>grf2dat trg1r.txt
vehicle TPPassagierwagen is no car, freight from 0,0, empty from 57,61

where do I get dsw-b80c.* ?
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Post by prissi »

The codebase is nearly identical. Only the different height are compiled into the program, and the default path is pak.ttd/ for the SimuTTD and pak/ for simutrans (or perhaps I switched these two by error?)

Even games created with the SimuTTD shoul be loadable by the normal and german scenario Simutrans and vice versa. (However, the normal Simutrans has more industries, thus missing industries might cause a crash during loading).

The dsw-b80c.* is the dos version of the light rail vehicle. It is included as grf in the light rail.

If the grf-conversion program crashes, then likely it could not find the nfo/pcx stated in the nfo at the expected location written in the nfo. After decoding, the trgcr.nfo must be copied into the same folder "tools". This is just the first entry, and error checking is almost nonexistent at the moment. :( (The conversion tool is certainly alpha stage.)

However, since it is easier to code a vehicle for Simutrans, maybe this version (with a more mature conversion tool), might help development for vehicles also for TTD (and cam be used to try true color).

The mousepointer is at the base location, while simutrans tries to find the nearest matching height tile to this location for the cursor. Thus there might be an offest (which hints towards an uncomplete consideration of the TTD 8 pixel/step terrain height.)

I will try with smoke a little lower. (Or you can try yourself, moving the smoke in "other/ttd-smoke.png" to the lower corner of the mages. ;))
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Post by Alltaken »

prissi wrote: However, since it is easier to code a vehicle for Simutrans, maybe this version (with a more mature conversion tool), might help development for vehicles also for TTD (and cam be used to try true color).
Well i would certainly be happy for it to try the true colour stuff.

Also 2 height levels rather than one.

we have GFX already available for all the ground sprites for two height levels (85 tiles per grass type rather than 19 i think)

all my ground sprites are open source and are done to 128 pixels wide.

what license is simutrans under/ going to be under? i understand that its privatly owned currently. would it ever go open source?

i personally would like to see my GFX in this game if it were to go open source. since then there would be no legality issues (OTTD being dubious at the best of times)

looks good dude. ... raphics%29

p.s. i do have all the source files, and sprite files available for the ground. how hard would it be to code an extra level of ground?

these have a 16 pixel displacement (for each corner of a 128 pixel wide version) the lesser slope is 8 pixels of displacement for each corner.

so -16, -8, 0, +8, +16 are all done graphically (to testelate)

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Post by prissi »

Since the vehicle movement code is hardcoded at the moment, and heights are coded as single bits in a bitfield, two levels might require a different approach, apart from road and rail graphics for both heights.

Unfourtunately this would be a rather deep change of the code, but certainly not impossible. Since the coordinates of Simutrans internally use 16 height levels, there is room to introduce new hang types.

This is not on my aganeda at the moment. Rather a big clean-up of the code and a new memory management and DevCpp compability for other contributers seems more urgent.

Simutrans is not OpenSource (even if I think it may be a gooad idea), and for various reasons will stay like this for the next time. However, everybody who seems trustworthy and want to change a bit and has a certain idea, can get the code.

I liked your ground sprites, and I think I would like to make a GPL version at least of the graphics set. This would be the ultimate tutorial and would further help contribution.
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Post by Mucht »


The Screenshots look like an awesome "port" or better "hybrid" of TTD to Simutrans. Just one question: is it possible to provide a Linux build? Please :roll:
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Post by Born Acorn »

The graphics link is missing :(

edit: thy appear to be working again!
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