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Posted: 23 Jan 2006 22:53
by Raichase
I'm going to return breifly here, just for a moment.

Firstly: One of the key rules to remember when playing games, is to limit yourself to 2 posts per page. Otherwise, two people online at the same time can spam a game thread for 5-6 pages. Yes, it has happened before.

Secondly: Benbo, you WILL respect what a moderator says on these forums. GoneWacko is a DAMNED good moderator, and you have NO right to start talking back like you own the place. Even if GoneWacko wasn't a moderator, he still deserves respect, because he has been contributing to this community for far longer than you ever will.

I really get sick of people entering a community, and deciding to throw their weight around becuase they are a big man. I love this community, and most of the people involved with it, because we are all equal, and we respect each others opinions and such forth. However, there comes certain times when moderators/admins/patch devs/graphics artists/coders/etc need to step up and use their authority. Obviously, it would be ideal if we all got along so that that never needed to happen, but it does happen once in a while, and this is one of those cases.

Benbo, I'm going to hand down a warning, because you deliberatly tried to instegate a public fight with a moderator, and generally caused a disturbance.

By all means, you don't have to agree with everything, or indeed anything that a moderator does, however there is a correct way to address that, by taking it up with them via PM. If this proves to be insatisfactory, then you may contact an admin (in this case, orudge), to try to get a solution. Acting the way you did is inexcusable, and complete rubbish.

If you can't follow the rules and respect those put in place to maintain those rules, then you shouldn't be part of a community. Sad, but true.

I hope you learn from this, and can become a positive member of the community. You have a bit of work to do though, as this isn't the best way to start.

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 01:05
by lobster
XeryusTC wrote:fortunatley some other people came
unfortunately, the aforementioned other people were Mariah Carey, David Hasselhof and Vanilla Ice and the zombies refused to show any interest in them.

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 01:13
by Aegir
Fortunately they were cannibals

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 08:35
by Benbo
Sorry Raichase. I didn't mean to start a riot here. I wil try to fit in a bit more, and I like the idea of a limit of 2 posts a page.

I agree to what you've said, and I didn't mean to throw my 'weight around'. :roll:

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 08:59
by Wile E. Coyote
Aegir wrote:Fortunately they were cannibals
Unfortunately they were hungry

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 10:26
by Raichase
Benbo wrote:Sorry Raichase. I didn't mean to start a riot here. I wil try to fit in a bit more, and I like the idea of a limit of 2 posts a page.

I agree to what you've said, and I didn't mean to throw my 'weight around'. :roll:

We now return you to your scheduled forum game.

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 10:42
by lobster
Wile E. Coyote wrote:Unfortunately they were hungry
fortunately a Time Bandits-like timehole saved us, as it closed in after us, just before both zombies and nearly-fallen celebrities could reach it.

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 12:52
by XeryusTC
Unfortunatly it lead to Mars.

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 15:29
by Wile E. Coyote
Fortunately there were oxygen-producing plants on Mars.

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 15:35
by Chrill
Unfortunately, they was gone

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 15:40
by MeusH
Fortunatelly, there is a spacebase on Mars

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 15:51
by Martin
Unfortunately it was closed for winter

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 16:03
by XeryusTC
fortunatly there was still a space ship

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 16:22
by TheCrom
unforunatley, it was a zombie space ship

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 16:26
by Benbo
Fortunately, they had abandoned the ship.

[Edit: Spelling Corections Made]

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 16:48
by White Rabbit
Unfortunately we were still blind and deaf and couldn't even find the darn bridge.

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 16:54
by TheCrom
fortunately, neither could the zombies

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 16:55
by Chrill
unfotunately, the bridge contacted the zombiesĀ“s brains

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 18:26
by Bastiaan
Fortunately, the brigde was an old stone arch bridge and it collapsed

Posted: 24 Jan 2006 18:30
by WWW
unfortunately, owen was also on the bridge