Moderator changes

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Moderator changes

Post by orudge »

Hi all,

I'm pleased to announce that Dave has been promoted from General Forums Moderator to Global Moderator, where he will join the rest of the team in moderating the entire forums. I'm sure everyone will wish him well in his new role!

I'm also sad to announce that Badger has chosen to step down as Locomotion Forums Moderator due to being busy with life elsewhere. I'd like to thank him for his years of service. I will be considering whether to appoint a replacement moderator in the Locomotion section in the near future.

Finally, a number of moderators who have unfortunately not visited the forums in a considerable period of time have been 'demoted', although should they return and wish to take up the role again, they would of course be most welcome. These moderators were: Patchman, Raichase, jonty-comp, Steve, Bjarni, Yexo, Csaboka and uzurpator. Again, I would like to show my appreciation for all the hard work these guys did over the years.


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